Saturday, September 30, 2006
Quiz "What Democracy Means to Me"
From 1991
To me, democracy means placing trust in the little guy, giving the fruits of nationhood to those who built the nation. Democracy means anyone can grow up to be president, and anyone who doesn't grow up can be vice president.
Democracy is people of all races, colors, and creeds united by a single dream: to get rich and move to the suburbs away from people of all races, colors, and creeds. Democracy is having time set aside to worship — 18 years if you're Jim Bakker.
Democracy is buying a big house you can't afford with money you don't have to impress people you wish were dead. And, unlike communism, democracy does not mean having just one ineffective political party; it means having two ineffective political parties.
Democracy means freedom of sexual choice between any two consenting adults; Utopia means freedom of choice between three or more consenting adults. But I digress. Democracy is welcoming people from other lands, and giving them something to hold onto — usually a mop or a leaf blower. It means that with proper timing and scrupulous bookkeeping, anyone can die owing the government a huge amount of money.
Democracy means a thriving heartland with rolling fields of Alfalfa, Buckwheat, Spanky, and Wheezer. Democracy means our elected officials bow to the will of the people, but more often they bow to the big butts of campaign contributors.
Yes, democracy means fighting every day for what you deserve, and fighting even harder to keep other weaker people from getting what they deserve. Democracy means never having the Secret Police show up at your door. Of course, it also means never having the cable guy show up at your door. It's a tradeoff. Democracy means free television. Not good television, but free.
Democracy is being able to pick up the phone and, within a minute, be talking to anyone in the country, and, within two minutes, be interrupted by call waiting.
Democracy means no taxation without representation, and god knows, we've just about had the hell represented out of us. It means the freedom to bear arms so you can blow the "o" out of any rural stop sign you want.
And finally, democracy is the eagle on the back of a dollar bill, with 13 arrows in one claw, 13 leaves on a branch, 13 tail feathers, and 13 stars over its head. This signifies that when the white man came to this country, it was bad luck for the Indians, bad luck for the trees, bad luck for the wildlife, and lights out for the American eagle.
I thank you.
Allwun House photos posted!
Wow, that was one swell party, eh? What a great bunch of people. I repeated a remark someone had made that it was just a bunch of old hippies having a get-together, and someone noted that it was really quite a bit more than that - it was a pretty historical event, when you consider that many of the people there were quite instrumental in shaping the cultural mindset of a generation. A momentous occasion indeed. The "Old Hippies" remark is, of course, just a way of saying we're stylishly casual about it, right?
There were quite a few people taking pictures (and videos too!), some of them with professional skills and equipment, so I'm sure there will be plenty of great stuff available to us through one source or another; in the meantime, though, I've posted most of my amateur shots in a new Webshots album called "Allwun House - A Momentous Occasion," and added the link to the KCAC Lives Photo Albums page (that link's under the "Community" heading in the left sidebar). I also added a link to the Woodstock Pictures Album to that page - Bob Gately had sent me the photos some time back, and I posted them to a public album (one that shows up on my Webshots home page), but it occurred to me it should be on the KCAC Lives Photo Albums page, too.
I was too intimidated by the daunting prospect of giving titles to all the pictures, so I'll leave it up to you guys and gals to leave comments. You can do that for the album or for individual pictures in it.
Friday, September 29, 2006

Picture courtesy of Wonderful Russ Shaw.
We have a chat mode on this page, courtesy of Jimmy and it doesn't get used much. See, most folks don't know it's there. Click the headine, leave some graffitti for the next guy to read. MAYBE if you and someone else are online at the same time you find someplace to score some Viagra without a prescription!
Once you see the chat window pop up, you can save the page to your Favorites [bookmark] and you can automatically invoke the chat mode each time you check in!
I love you, Alice B. Toklas.
PS......... 12,000 hits just flashed by - 50-200 hits per day. "I know you're out there somewhere" - Moody Blues
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Radio Free Phoenix's Liz Boyle Voted Best Radio Personality in Phoenix New Times Best Of Phoenix!
We are so excited! Our Liz Boyle was the WINNER of the Reader's Choice, Best Radio Personality, in this year's New Times!! Check it out in this weeks edition of the New Times Best of Issue on page 267 or go to the internet link:
Liz has been such an important part of Phoenix radio and here and at Radio Free Phoenix, we are proud that she is a part of our "Family" Liz has been instrumental in the evolution of Radio Free and we can't thank her enough for her devotion!
We also want to thank our listeners who went on the web and voted, nobody can say that Internet Radio is not valid now...not only did Liz win but also a local band that we adore and encouraged the listeners to vote for...Brimstone Flowers won the award for Best Local Band. I'm sure both would have won regardless because they are all super talents, but I know that we made a difference and are proud to say so!!
Please take the time to let Liz and The Brimstone Flowers know how proud we are...congratulations to them!!
Thanks so much, it goes to show that together we ALL make a difference and maybe next year, The New Times might just add a Best of Internet Radio Station category in the Listeners Choice Awards!!
Rock On!!!
Cheryl Sweet
To everyone who came to the Alwun House gathering, thank you for making it such a happy and meaningful night.
Some special kudos: Marty Manning, thanks especially for kickstarting our event by taking hold of that microphone...your stories are wonderful. Thanks Russ Shaw, for your booming voice, ready smile and ever unique and entertaining point of view; Tom Wright, thanks for bringing those wonderful archival recordings and It was spine tingling and comforting to hear Bill's voice broadcasting from KCAC at the genesis of this thing...and the live music show featuring a very young and golden throated Hans about a time machine!
To the ever radiant Liz Boyle, your famous spinach brownies with the powdered sugar peace symbols were the PERFECT touch...and thanks for energizing people to stand up and speak up!! Thanks to Michael Collins for playing some GREAT music; Bruce Frank and the second Rebirth Band (o: for playing those tunes; Doug Smith for singing the beautiful song about those KCAC KBKD days...Ron Wortham for all your great posts and your unflinching support, time and energy...GREAT to hear your voice there on the phone...Andy Olson for saying a few words to everyone there.
And what would the night have been like without Terri Sussman, VP of AMEHOF, adding her smile and good vibes to the mix; and 'the woman behind 'THE MAN!'" Toni Beals, for your warmth and 'can do' attitude. Without you I'd have surely crashed that double bundt cake I was trying to assemble and then slice. Your energy and generosity never cease to amaze me; to Ken Beals (the man behind 'THE WOMAN'") from AMEHOF bountiful thanks for vidoetaping the event for us, and for not putting that heavy video camera down!!
To Ray Bowen for chronicling yet another photographic tribute to an Arizona 'historical event' all the Rebirth folks (Linda Peterson, I KNEW I had seen you somewhere before! I had no idea you knew those folks till after the event!) much love from someone who was around, but not in, your Rebirth circle. Great to meet you, Sharon Porter, and we can't wait to see your cd of pictures! You too Daniel!! And Daniel...well, words can't express the gratitude I feel for having met you again thru the blog and with your inspiration to guide me, getting this event in gear. And to Ron Wortham...the king of inspiration and the driving wheel behind the movement...YOU ARE SO AMAZING! To Jimmy Magahern thanks for fitting the gathering in to your already slammed "things to do" list. It just wouldn't have been the same without you and your lovely Lola. Talk about lighting up a room!
And of course, Alwun House's Kim and Dana you have our TREMENDOUS THANKS for hosting the event. Walking into Alwun House and seeing it aglow for us, well, it put a little lump in my throat. Talk about awesome and awe inspiring. Dana, how you had the time to make that strawberry chocolate bundt cake I don't know but sure are glad you did...c'est magnifique! Here's a big happy howl to your beautiful Great Danes for cleaning up the end of party mess canine style...
It's impossible to mention everyone by name...just know that your presence was part of the beauty of the night.
To those who missed it, we sure missed you...but take heart, the wonderhearted Kim Moody has asked me if we want to do another 'Rebirth of Real' Celebration (how about January before it gets hot!) at Alwun House!! Kim's in the spirit of a continuing circle of "Rebirth of Real" gatherings. There could be no more perfect place for us to hold them. You have continued to make Alwun House a glistening desert gem. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.
Next time we'll have more than a week's notice so we'll count on seeing everyone there...and next time we'll keep a healthy 'tip jar' going for Alwun House!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Simply Marvelous....
for a wonderful nite and the chance to share it with ya'll. Good things happened, and will continue. Dan has left for home , with some pics and videos which he'll post once he arrives.
love Ya'll
keep the faith, carry on
Bruce Frank
here something that fits...
Messengers meet.
Pieces gather together.
People become close.
God lives and waits...
and we only await our own arrival.
Arcane, by Thomas
THE LIST - EDITION #6 - On The Bus

Adams, Lynne
Alves, Jack
Apicella, John
Arizona Music Hall Of Fame
Arnold, Linda
Bailey, Jim
Baldwin, Mike
Baldwin, Russ
Beals, Ken email Mariah Fleming for contact info
Bowen, Ray
Bell, Bob Boze
Bennett, Fran
Bentley, Connie
Bethancourt, Joe
Boyle, Liz
Bradychocks, Julie
Cahal, John "Rebirth" (private - contact vagabondvet
Carroll, Todd
Carter, Marsha
Carver, Sue
Clark, Doug
Collins, Michael
Compton, Bill (Deceased)
Compton-Glenn, Carole
Cookenboo, Hank (Deceased)
Covington, Dan
Crazy (Jan Isbell)(Deceased)
Curry. Robert S.
Curtis, Mike
Davis, Marc (Terros)
DeGray, Helen
Deerhake, David
Dickinson, Ted
Dixon, John (Johnny D)
Drake George F. (Springfield, Mass?)
Duane the Guitar Player "Rebirth"
Dunn, Bob
Emery, Vince
English, Alton
English, Jerry "Magic"
Fenimore, David
Flannigan, Julie
Fleming, Mariah
Frank, Bruce "Rebirth"
Frank, Gregg "Rebirth"
Friedman, Barry
Frieflander, Karen
Galindo, Alicia
Gant, Pegi {Cookenboo}
Garneau, Joe "Rebirth" (Deceased)
Garneau, Larry "Rebirth" (Deceased)
Garneau, Michelle "Rebirth" (private - contact vagabondvet)
Gately, Bill (Deceased)
Gately, Bob
Geist, Barry "Rebirth"
Goodman, Mike
Grieger, Kathy "Rebirth"
Harris, Eric "Pappa"
Harris, Sue Fenner
Harshberger, Dan
Herbert, Kimmer
Holmes, Chuck
Hoyle, Rich
Johnson, Don
Johnson, June
Johnson, Mike "Rebirth"
Jones, Scott
Kerr, Jon
Kinsey, Gary "Toad Hall" (Deceased)
Kinsey, Filipa
Kitchell, Nancy
Kollassa, Mike
Koors, Tim
Kothrade, Michael "Rebirth"
Lederman, Cindy
Lehr, Bob
Magahern, Jimmy
Manning, Marty
Martin, Peter
McBroom, Dennis
McCarty, Chris
McCarty, Steve
Meighan, Bob
Mell, Ed
Migdoll, Susan
Moody, Kim (Alwun House)
Morrison, Barbara
Murray, Jim
Nadworney, Nina "Nina Joy"
Niccolson, Scott
Norton, Virginia
Nussbaum,Belle "Belle Starr"
Nykanan, Mark
Olson, Andy
Olson, Hans
Paceley, Ken
Page, Daniel "Rebirth"
Peterson, Linda
Peterson, Marsha
Porter, Sharon Elaine
Powell, Lee
Price, Bill
Pyle, Slagge T.
Radina, Kathy
Robb, Gary
Robertson, John (Crazy John)
Rogers, Bob
Rogers, Rich
Roland. Ed
Schneider, Sue
Shaw, Russell "Wonderful"
Slagle, Bonnie
Smith, Doug
Smith, Erica
Soderquist, George
Soderquist, Skio
Stratton, Ted
Sussman, Terri (V.P. AMEHOF)
Sweet, Cheryl
Thomson, Betty
Thomson, Ray
Thompson, Linda
Thrift, Bill (Terros)
Tindle, Dwight
Usry, Kent
Vascocu, Tommy
Wales, Lissa (Deceased)
Webb, Kevin "Do It Now" (Deceased)
Whitener, Kasey
Wortham, Ron
Wright, Tom
Zelisko, Dan
Please leave a comment to this post to have information added, updated, edited or deleted. Clicking hyperlinked (underlined) names will launch an email to that person.
Have a great day!
If you are an anonymous poster or reader and would like to be added to The List, please drop a line to or anyone contributing to KCAC Lives! to be added. The List has become a reference point for memories and emails to old friends. It also has become kind of a Social Register and will be something of a reference list for reunions and such in the future. Not only that, SOMEONE - maybe someone special from the old days, MAY be trying to find YOU.
So... let us know who you are, where your memories or interests tie in and what your email address is. Get on the bus. We don't know where its going and it may NEVER leave but the music is great and the people are fun!
Tom's Tapes
Tom Wright
Tempe, AZ
September 24, 2006
I have a number of tapes that can be divided into several categories, as outlined below:
(1) KCAC airchecks, 1970 and 1971
(2) KDKB airchecks, 1971–1978
(3) KDKB event programming, 1971–1978: live and pre-taped interviews with celebrities and newsmakers; live music from local artists and touring national artists; locally produced comedy shows; etc.
(4) KDKB live remotes, 1975–1978: live broadcasts of concerts by nationally known artists from local venues.
(5) KCAC/KDKB-related recordings other than those recorded directly off the air.
(5) Other Phoenix-area airchecks and special broadcasts.
The details on tapes in each category are provided below. Items marked with an asterisk (*) have been transferred to CD; the others are still languishing on tape. Recording dates, where known, are provided; some are specific to a known calendar date and others are uncertain even as to year, but represent my best educated guess. Tapes are listed chronologically. Times are approximations unless stated otherwise. All tapes are first-generation from broadcast sources unless noted otherwise.
KCAC airchecks, 1970 and 1971
July 4th, 1970, with Bill Compton. Approx. 3 hours, mono AM radio broadcast, from reel-to-reel tape. This is the complete master recording from which all currently-circulating copies were made.*
February 1971 and July 4, 1971, with Bill Compton. Mono AM radio broadcast, 46 minutes, from cassette. Much poorer quality and less interesting than the 1970 tape. This is a copy of someone else’s master recording.*
KDKB Airchecks, 1971–1975
1971-1975 miscellaneous. A collection of mostly short bits, including a Dwight Tindle prank phone call from 1971, an on-air staff Christmas party from 1975, and Toad Hall playing country music records ca. 1975. Mono cassettes.*
May 1976, with Scott Niccolson. Mono cassette, copied from someone else’s master. Lots of stops and starts, and mostly music with very little DJ talk.
KDKB event programming, 1971–1978
Ca. 1971: one 30-minute episode of "Bunkhouse Capers with Buck and Berry," a locally-produced comedy show, ca. 1971–1972. Mono reel-to-reel tape.
November 15, 1973: Bill Compton interviews Danny O’Keefe. 1 hour mono cassette.*
1973? Jesse Colin Young interview and live acoustic performances. 30 minutes, mono cassette.
1973? Local folk duo Early Peas, interview and live music. Approx. 90 minutes total, from two different mono cassettes.
1973: Robin Trower interview with Michael Willard Curtis. 60 minutes (including album tracks), mono cassette.*
ca. March 1974: interview with Martin Mull. Approx. 45 minutes, mono cassette.
Late 1974/early 1975: Hans Olson live in the studio, talking and playing music, hosted by Linda Thompson. 1 hour mono cassette with poor sound and some tape damage, but great music from Hans.*
Late 1975? Joe Bethancourt (local folk singer/guitarist extraordinaire), 30-minute live tape, mono cassette.
Late 1975: Bill Compton interviews Stevie Nicks. Mono cassette. Interview runs about 36 minutes, and is supplemented on CD with two additional Stevie Nicks interviews from later in the station’s history (with Linda Clayton, 1/26/81 and 10/17/82, from cassettes).*
January 1976, author Ed Abbey (Desert Solitaire, The Monkey Wrench Gang) interviewed by an unidentified male on an the KDKB public affairs show Forum. Mono cassette.*
May 21, 1976: Hans Olson live in the studio, talking and playing music with host Marty Manning. 1 hour mono cassette, better sound than the early 1975 tape of Hans.*
April 26, 1977: brief (ca. 15 minutes) interview with Muddy Waters, backstage prior to a show at Dooley’s (a local club). Mono cassette.
June 22, 1977: Tribute to William Edward Compton. One-hour news special with Mark Nykanen, Hank Cookenboo, and others on the evening following Compton’s death. 60 minutes, mono reel-to-reel tape.*
Early 1978: local group Riverstone (Paul Morris and Jack Ahearne), interview and live music. Approx. 30 minutes. Mono cassette.
May 3, 1978: unknown male DJ interviewing film director King Vidor and film historian Arthur Knight. Last 30 minutes only of hour-long show, mono cassette, poor sound but clearly audible.
July 11, 1978: interview with David Bromberg, approx. 30 minutes. Mono cassette.
May 11, 1981: Tribute to Bob Marley by Johnny D. (Marley had just died a day or two before). One hour stereo cassette with a mix of music and commentary.
KDKB Live Remotes
Jerry Riopelle: March 12, 1975, Balcony Hall. 60 minutes from a reel-to-reel tape.
Tom Waits, March 13, 1975, Balcony Hall, warming up for Jerry Riopelle. Two versions: a complete mono cassette with some tape damage, 55 minutes*; and a better-quality reel-to-reel tape with a few songs edited out (45 minutes).
Tracy Nelson, Spring 1975, Balcony Hall. First 30 minutes of show only (five songs) from a mono reel-to-reel tape.
Jerry Riopelle: July 29, 1978, Celebrity Theater; stereo cassette of complete concert, 80 minutes.*
KCAC/KDKB-related recordings
Reconstructed version of KCAC’s final sign-off, August 14, 1971. No tape of this is currently known to exist, but Compton closed out his last shift with a memorable set of songs about goodbyes, farewells, and moving on. I’ve reconstructed that set using various CD and vinyl sources to string the same songs together in the same sequence.*
Three, 1-hour episodes of "Profile," a TV show on KAET (the local public TV station) that Bill Compton hosted in late 1974/early 1975. I don’t have the video, only the audio. The show featured touring musicians who would play music and chat with Bill. The artists (1 hour each) are Jerry Jeff Walker, David Bromberg, and Shawn Phillips. From reel-to-reel tapes, but the original broadcast sound was often pretty poor (muddy sound and lots of distortion).*
Other Phoenix- Area Airchecks and Special Broadcasts
KHAT, August 19, 1963, with Ray Odum. A typical hour of AM country music radio in Phoenix in the early 1960s. Interestingly, there’s a lot of good music here from artists whose names are still well-known: Marty Robbins, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Jim Reeves, and Patsy Cline among them. From a mono cassette, copied from someone else’s master.*
KRIZ, August 1966. Aircheck of AM Top 40 station with DJ Tony Evans. Approx. 30 minutes, mono cassette, copied from someone else’s master.
KRUX, two airchecks: 6/10/67 with Lucky Lawrence, and 1969 with Rich Brother Robbins, total time approx. 45 minutes. Mono cassette, copied from someone else’s master.
KMCR, October 19, 1978: tape-delayed broadcast of Pete Seeger concert at Gammage Auditorium in Tempe on July 21, 1978. Approx. 2 hours, mono cassette.*
Various stations, December 8, 1980: breaking news on John Lennon’s murder, and a series of hastily-thrown-together tributes and specials recorded over the next few days. Total time is probably at least 4 hours, from a mix of mono and stereo cassettes. Stations include KDKB and KSLX, and probably some others. (Haven’t listened to these in years, and the notes are a bit chaotic, thus some uncertainty, but I can figure out stations & dates if necessary.)
KSTM, "Afterhours" show of December 5, 1982: Johnny D and Grant Cleaver (of Grant & the Geezers) each play some of their favorite records. Approx. 45 minutes, stereo cassette.
KSTM, the final "Afterhours" show with Johnny D, Spring 1983, approx. 60 minutes, stereo cassette.
KEYX, April 1, 1987, with Johnny D. This was April Fool’s Day, and Johnny D does an on-air prank that has to be heard to be believed. 1-hour stereo cassette of FM broadcast.*
KSLX, April 16, 1988: Toad Hall’s last shift on this station, missing only the first 15–20 minutes. Approx. 4 hours from stereo reel-to-reel tape of FM broadcast.
KJZZ, February 17, 1991: Johnny D’s History of Phoenix Rhythm & Blues. Approx. 90 minutes, stereo cassette.
Alwun House Gathering
Whew! It was a pleasure to meet you all last night, even if it did run WAY past my bedtime! Thanks, Mariah and everybody else who had a hand in organizing this event, and to Kim at the Alwun House for hosting it!
For those who couldn't make it, or who were there but didn't get my hand-out, posted below is my modest proposal for an organized effort to compile an archival history of KCAC, KDKB, and related topics. As a separate post (due to its length) is the list of tapes I currently have available. I was gratified last night to see that other folks also have tape caches and other antiquities that they're willing to share. I damn near fainted when Michael Collins casually handed me a professionally recorded, 10-inch master tape reel of him on the air with Compton at KDKB ca. 1972. I'll be getting together with Marty Manning and Andy Olson sometime soon to compare collections and trade copies.
Keep the faith,
September 26, 2006
The Alwun House
Phoenix, Arizona
The KCAC Lives! blog has provided a new forum for the community that originally coalesced around underground/progressive radio in Phoenix between 1969 and 1977. Several of the principal members of that community are no longer with us, and the rest are well into middle age. If the history of those days is worth preserving, the time to do so is now.
A book would be the best, but most difficult, way of documenting the people and events important to that scene during those years. However, there are a number of simpler options that can be mixed-and-matched in whatever ways turn out to be feasible. These should be considered preliminary ideas, very much subject to discussion and change. With that caveat, here are some possibilities.
(1) Creation of an archive of documents, correspondence, photos, newspaper clippings, audio and video tapes, legal papers, business records, and whatever other relevant materials still exist; and permanent curation of this archive in a public institution such as the Arizona Historical Society or the Arizona Room at Hayden Library, Arizona State University. (I’d lean toward the Az Historical Society, largely because they’ve already shown an interest in post-World War II Phoenix-area popular culture with their "Wallace & Ladmo" collections and exhibits.) This alternative would involve approaching an institution to explain our goals and determine if they would have an interest in housing such an archive. If so, we would then need to identify sources of archival materials, persuade as many people as possible to donate their collections (if necessary, copies can be submitted rather than treasured original photos, letters, or recordings), get everything properly labeled, and work with the curation staff to get it all organized and cataloged.
(2) An oral history project consisting of audio- or video-taped interviews with people who played significant roles in the history of KCAC, KDKB, and any related entities. Interviews could be conducted one-on-one or with groups of people (3 to 5 at a time). Interviews would be guided by a list of questions or topics, but would be flexible enough to allow for the free flowing of memories and ideas. The interviews should ideally be conducted by an interested outsider, someone who can ask the right questions and facilitate discussion without any particular bias or pre-determinations. The resulting tapes could be added to the archive discussed above, thus creating a record far richer than mere documents ‘n stuff ever could.
(3) A written questionnaire that can be submitted to whoever is interested in providing some basic information and observations, with room for them to expand in whatever direction(s) they deem appropriate. This would be easier (especially in this era of email and blogs) than actual interviews, and has the advantage of being available to people regardless of geographical factors or other circumstances that would make interviews difficult. Disadvantages: some people don’t like to write, or wouldn’t have the time to write; and this technique necessarily lacks the spontaneity and interaction of live-in-person interviews.
(4) Find a graduate student in the history department at ASU (or at one of the community colleges) looking for a thesis topic. Stress that this is not an matter of aging hippies reminiscing about the good ‘ol days, but about examining local responses to national issues and trends during a time of great social and political turmoil. (That’s right, make it sound dull and academic to hook them; then lay on the sex-drugs-and-rock’ n roll). Phoenix is notoriously conservative and resistant to change; how did these radical new ideas about radio, music, politics, lifestyle, and community get established here, and how did those initial ideals play out over a period of time? Historians love this kind of stuff! If an interested grad student can be found, he or she can do a lot of the work involved in gathering an archive and doing interviews, provided of course that we all cooperate and contribute.
So: is this worth doing? What goals, techniques, and ideas would you support? Who’s interested in helping to organize such a project? Anyone know people at the Az Historical Society, or in the ASU history department? Think about it. Let’s talk.

Where else can you discuss history, philosphy, human sexuality, gay pride, Mormonism, Catholocism, horticulture, social experimentation and Performance Art in less than 60 seconds with one phone call answered by -(of course) Kim Moody?
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Directions to the "Rebirth of Real" Gathering

8PM - ?
602 253 7967
ALWUN HOUSE is located on the NORTHEAST corner of 12th ST. & ROOSEVELT
>TAKE the 7th STREET EXIT off I-10
>Head SOUTH to ROOSEVELT, then
>EAST to 12th ST
>PARKING (not a problem)
NOTES ABOUT "The List" (for anonymous posters and others)...

If you are an anonymous poster and would like to be added to The List, please drop a line to anyone contributing to KCAC Lives! to be added.
Like eveything else happenig on this blog The List just happened - and has become a reference point for memories and emails to old friends. It also has become kind of a Social Register for Come Together events such as at Alwun and will be something of a refference list for reunions and such in the future. Not only that, SOMEONE - maybe someone special from the old days, MAY be trying to find you.
This is not a matter of anybody's "policy" or anything. What is happening here is spontaneous - like an empty blackboard, collecting notes. It's just happening that way. So... let us know who you are, where your memories or interests tie in and what your email address is.
Get on the bus. We don't know where its going and it may NEVER leave but the music is great and the people are fun! That's as good a destination as any!

Bruce writes; Kathy Greiger... Rebirth family,staff, facilitator, mirical worker... not a groupie... but she liked to be where the boys are... and apparently they liked it too... especialy when they needed a shower, ping-pong table, or a ride to the gig... she's also a holistic healer, and a Chiropracter... and more than able to straighten you up... should you get your nose out of joint.
enjoying the view...
This was written to the Rebirth people... I'm shareing it here cause its relevent to all.
The Memorial... it was sad but good...
If your still here, Joe... what Ya Know...
Don't forget the garden party Tuesday nite 8PM for all friends and
associates of Rebirth and KCAC/KDKB... share some rare time with old friends
and new... lets get together and see who we are, while we can. [with out
someone dyeing] Don't miss this most fortunate opportunity, know whats of
real value... don't be busy, show your colors and stand with the people
you support and love... NOW! Some of them aren't going to be here for any
next meeting... [they may be the reason for it!]
The world politic is making desperate moves to circle the wagons and
continue plundering this world, They see the writing on the wall... things
could get worse before they get better... We are all we got, that and our
experience,... to offer our children and neighbors who don't get it yet. .
Were the volunteers and front line soldiers in a different kind of
revolution/war... Were the believers and the dreamers... We've done our
job well and we're all on our way to that better future [its the biggest and loudest secret in the world] but it ain't over, we ain't finished yet and were still here...
So take a break and join us Tuesday 26, 8PM at the Alwun House 12st and
Roosevelt... just to have some fun and there's a few things we got to share.
Remember... bring your own ... I'm gonna bring mine and some for you too.... moonshine
Bruce Frank
Those of us who can't be with you in real-time will be there in spirit and by phone for at least, a brief visit. I am hoping Mariah will share a formal report here on the blog for all to read.
Bruce is up to his ears in Real Life right now, so I am posting a couple of pictures with captions for him. This is the reuniting of Rebirth which sets the stage for the Come Together of KCAC/KDKB and all that the core culture represents.
God is Alive, Magic is Afoot

'The Babe Squad' L to R... Orlena 'Michelle' Lackenbauer, [Rebirth staffer, married to Joe Garneau... By Bill Compton] Carolyn Roach [friend and family, her late husband and publisher Al,... sponsored some of the rebirth concerts on his south Phoenix ranch] Jean Herbert [Old Rebirth Family\commune, Mother Hen, Communicator, the glue that keeps people and clans togather, up to date and in touch] Linda Peterson, [Rebirth staff/Artist/family. Printing, New Times, Publishing, Blues Reviews News Paper, active in AMEHOF] Anne Bassett [artist, friend, allie, talented and aware... former mayor of Jerome, she now lives there and runs an art gallery... sends her love to all for Tuesday
Monday, September 25, 2006
DEJA'VU Then & Now Mugshots: PEGI GANT (Cookenboo)

Pegi with Snoopy, 1969 Pegi in (for us anyway), her most famous "Lucy" pose at Starbrite Ranch. Interestingly, in Pegi's Vault of pictures I found this same photo in a 3"X5" version (desk-frame size) but REVERSED. It was hard to tell which was a copy of the other or if they had both been made from the same negative. Due to the slow rise to the LEFT of the terrain behind her in this image, I am going to suggest that THIS picture is the REVERSED image. South Mountain at Starbrite got taller as you looked to the South. Not that it matters but it is one of those little mysteries of Life. So are three lights of unknown origin off her "left" shoulder, almost invisible in this small version.

Pegi without Snoopy, 2006. There are women who would kill to have skin this vibrant and smooth, which may be one of the reasons why Pegi is now in the executive levels of Law enforcement in Florida - Hurricane Capitol of the USA.
The hair is much shorter now of course but who needs long hair when you don't have Snoopy to keep shaded?
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sometimes its good to put a face to the screen so others will be able to see how the years have treated us. In light of the gathering Tuesday, I wish everybody would do this. Here's a candid pic of me today, Sunday. You'll notice how modestly trimmed my shaggy, vibrant hair is - how the piercing glow of my hawk-like eyes has been subdued for this picture.
NOT SHOWN: The rippling muscles and six-pack-like undulation of my abdominals or the deep, glowing bronze tan. And of course, pictures never can convey the raw sexual appeal of one's personal charisma. Also not shown, several young women groveling at my feet, hoping I will bend down and stroke their hair.
Eat yer heart out Wunnerful Russ.
Hi everybody.. got three phone numbers. Will try to call one of them Tuesday night about 9PM Phoenix time.
Love one another until I can get there to help.
Friday, September 22, 2006

I know this is an awfully public place to talk about psychic awareness, deja'vu and "spooky" stuff like that but in this business, creativity goes hand in hand with inspiration. It's part of the synchronicity. Watching an awakening such as with Our Lady Of Perpetual Encouragement and getting to participate in that enthusiasm is really kind of a voyeuristic thrill for me. It increases my own awareness as it does for us all. Good morning again.
I woke up this morning (great title for a blues song - eh?) with a train of thoughts that led me right up to someone VERY important in all our lives. The message was clear; "Make your salutes for Chuck Berry now. Say your prayers for him now".
No one on this planet has had such a powerful influence on society, I dare say. I grew up listening to "nigger music" on KNOK in Ft. Worth and Chuck Berry was one of the first to "cross over" into my world. This is BEFORE transistor radios, boys and girls, back when the music came out of a plastic or wooden box with glowing glass things inside that looked like lightbulbs on a charcoal grill. You could stick a radio under the covers and use it as a foot-warmer in those days.
Muddy Waters, Jimmy Reed and always, ALWAYS the Fun Music of Chuck Berry would keep you warm. "Maybeline" and the story of the highway pursuit in that V-8 Ford. And later when we could see him on TV, The Chicken Walk.
Chuck Berry is still here. After all these years. The Main Ingredient in our Rock'n Roll Stew. Many of us who connected big time with his music.. probably three generations of us now..... are simply dying off naturally while Chuck Berry rocks on.
THINK ABOUT IT The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, THOUSANDS of garage bands and TENS OF THOUSANDS of would-be poets have copied as best they can.... Chuck Berry. An absolute Original.
His Bio [click the headline for more] reads like The Bible - it is that thick. But the shame that baptizes us all is the unspoken evilry that was done to him back in the 1980's when Chuck Berry was (in my opinion) set up and busted.
The very nature of Rock'n Roll is sexuality. Louis Armstrong once said to a young girl who asked him to explain Jazz to her; "Honey, if somebody has to EXPLAIN it to you, you ain't never gonna get it".
Chuck Berry was set up in my opinion, by some "Snow white, uptight do-right" (Thanks, Jerry Riopelle) who had something to prove and was willing to use an under-age Pound Of Flesh to do it. And it was in my opinion in direct response to this song;
CHUCK BERRY lyrics - "My Ding A Ling"
When I was a little bitty boy
my grandmother bought me a cute little toy
Silver bells hangin' on a string
she told me it was my ding a ling
My ding a ling, my ding a ling
I want to play with my ding a ling
My ding a ling, my ding a ling
I want to play with my ding a ling
And then mother took me to Grammer School
But I stopped all in the vestibule
Every time that bell would ring
catched me playin' with my ding a ling
Once I was climbing the garden wall
I slipped and had a terrible fall
I fell so hard I heard bells ring
but held on to my ding a ling
Once I was swimming cross Turtle creek
many snappers all around my feet
Shure was hard swimming cross that thing
with both hands holdin' my ding a ling
This here song it ain't so sad
the cutest little song you ever had
those of you who will not sing
You must be playin' with your own ding a ling
My ding a ling Your ding a ling, your ding a ling
We saw you playin' with your ding a ling
My ding a ling everybody sing
I want to play with my ding a ling
The actual RECORDED version uses the words "you" here and there and is of course more suggestive but it got a LOT of airplay. Chuck Berry got a lot of jail time for being an Honest Man. A real human being. And legal or not, a person driven by natural desire that somehow, must be guided by Love.
A salute to who is musically, the Daddy of us all. Chuck Berry.
Wave your ding a ling as you pass by.

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Relax. It's just a bunch of old hippies getting together in the best old hippie place in town. Think cheap stickers instead of lanyards. Think showing up instead of production. I think it's mainly just letting people know where and when and you've done a great job of that. And Kim, unlike his name, is not Moody. With umpteen years of erotic art gatherings under his belt (so to speak) he remains calm at most times.
I'll bring some Fat Bastard wine to help get things going. See you there.
The where and when, again:
Alwun House, 1204 East Roosevelt, Phoenix, AZ (corner of 12th St. and Roosevelt)
Tuesday, Sept. 26 - 8 pm
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Being there
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Garden of Alwun is Calling Celebrate the Rebirth of Real!
*All KCAC/original KDKB folks*
*The PHANTASMAGORIC CREATORS of that wonderful era of radio and music*
And of course...
WE HOPE JOHNNY D WILL COME SPIN THE TUNES! And heck, if you play an instrument (even air guitar!) bring it along.
To all of those whose combined spirit turned a sleepy little cow town into a cool town...there seems to be no doubt that Lissa, on the one year anniversary of her being swept up into the Universe, has reincarnated her role as "Heavenly Goddess of Get Togethers and Goodness."
Could it be Lissa creating the buzz to gear up folks like DANNY ZELISKO, TROY LUCKETTA, DWIGHT TYNDAL, JOHNNY D, RUSS SHAW, MARTY MANNING, TOM STORY, JIMMY MAGAHERN (who interviewed the effusive Lissa for his article 'Drummerpalooza' about the 'Lissa Wales Benefit') CAROLE COMPTON GLENN, PEGI COOKENBOO GANT, RAY THOMSON, HANS OLSON, TED STRATTON, JON KERR, ANDY OLSON, DAVE DEERHAKE, BOB DUNN, SCOTT NICHOLSON, TOD CARROL, DENNIS McBROOM, LEE POWELL, WENDY NAYLOR. MARY MCANN et al, and the folks at TEMPE CAMERA (to name just a few on 'THE LIST') to whoosh here by jetpack if neccessary?
Could it be Lissa enthusing us to "BRING THE KIDS AND THE OLD FOLKS TOO! Hey, JOHNNY D, why not bring your cool, spirited mom who recently celebrated a BIG birthday?? Like, TOM STORY, you photo archivist, take some pictures for God's sake! Friends from Trader Joes, bring some Baby Spring Mix! There is no such thing as coincidence' Lets get this show on the road and celebrate NOW, life is a GIFT! Geez, it's a no brainer!"
Consider that the genesis of the Tues Sept 26th date springs from these coincidences:
DANIEL PAGE, along with BRUCE FRANK and others from the Phoenix REBIRTH and STARBRITE RANCH 'tribes' are coming to visit Arizona from all over the place to honor the anniversary of JOE GARNEAU'S death. JOE was one of the founders of REBIRTH (our first underground newspaper in the 1960's) as were Bruce and Daniel. Joe like Lissa left us a year ago. They were both friends of Bill, Toad, Hank et al.
BILL COMPTON presided over the marriage of Joe and Michelle Garneau, who together gave the world their musician son, Leif. They later went their separate ways (hey, didn't we all?) but the REBIRTH folks are coming to AZ from Oregon and elsewhere for a memorial in Payson. Lets get 'em all out here! It won't even be hot anymore!
BOB GATELY has offered to contribute lanyards for 'nametags' that will feature the red KCAC LIVES!/RFP 'double decker bus' that RON WORTHAM posted on the blog. It will proclaim: 'CELEBRATING THE REBIRTH OF REAL!' Can EVERYONE who is coming please:
1. RSVP asap on the blog or by email to RFP'S LIZ BOYLE or to BOB GATELY or me (see hyperlinks on "THE LIST")
2. Write a few words about yourselves for us to put on your lanyard along with your name
3. That way we can describe each person's connection to the spirit of that era (ie: KCAC/KDKB/REBIRTH/ TEMPE CAMERA/RADIO FREE PHOENIX etc...) and not have to say "sheesh, I already forgot your name!"
We'll kick back and share our monikers, our memories, our ideas and the lives that we are now living with these "ARIZONA BLOODLINES in our heart..." (a nod to the musical mentors and friends of BILL COMPTON and LISSA, like JERRY RIOPELLE and all the musicians who played at her benefit concert.) You heart o' the era movers and shakers who actually know all those wonderful folks, spread the word. Can there be any doubt that these beloved spirits across the universe are watching us, looking down on us in this effort to bring the spirit of real music, real life and community here back to its core?
Anyone who reads the KCAC LIVES! Blog knows there is an undeniable, incredible energy that is uniting us all at this time. Let's celebrate the graciousness of KIM MOODY at ALWUN HOUSE and make it a night to remember!!
God is Alive. Magic is Afoot. Magic Never Dies.
THE LIST - EDITION #5 - "We are not gathered here to find a purpose - The Purpose has found us and gathered us together here."

As you browse The List for old friends, lovers and people who still owe you money.... you can listen to Radio Free Phoenix. Simply click THE LIST headline above.
Adams, Lynne
Alves, Jack
Apicella, John
Arnold, Linda
Bailey, Jim
Baldwin, Mike
Baldwin, Russ
Bowen, Ray
Bell, Bob
Bennett, Fran
Bentley, Connie
Bethancourt, Joe
Boyle, Liz
Bradychocks, Julie
Cahal, John "Rebirth" (private - contact vagabondvet)
Carroll, Todd
Carter, Marsha
Carver, Sue
Clark, Doug
Collins, Michael
Compton, Bill (Deceased)
Compton-Glenn, Carole
Cookenboo, Hank (Deceased)
Covington, Dan
Crazy (Jan Isbell)(Deceased)
Curtis, Mike
Davis, Marc (Terros)
DeGray, Helen
Deerhake, David
Dickinson, Ted
Dixon, John (Johnny D)
Drake George F. (Springfield, Mass?)
Duane the Guitar Player "Rebirth"
Dunn, Bob
Emery, Vince
English, Alton
English, Jerry "Magic"
Fenimore, David
Flannigan, Julie
Fleming, Mariah
Frank, Bruce "Rebirth"
Frank, Gregg "Rebirth"
Friedman, Barry
Frieflander, Karen
Galindo, Alicia
Gant, Pegi {Cookenboo}
Garneau, Joe "Rebirth" (Deceased)
Garneau, Larry "Rebirth" (Deceased)
Garneau, Michelle "Rebirth" (private - contact vagabondvet)
Gately, Bill (Deceased)
Gately, Bob
Geist, Barry "Rebirth"
Goodman, Mike
Grieger, Kathy "Rebirth"
Harris, Eric "Pappa"
Harris, Sue Fenner
Harshberger, Dan
Herbert, Kimmer
Holmes, Chuck
Hoyle, Rich
Johnson, Don
Johnson, June
Johnson, Mike "Rebirth"
Jones, Scott
Kerr, Jon
Kinsey, Gary "Toad Hall" (Deceased)
Kinsey, Filipa
Kollassa, Mike
Koors, Tim
Kothrade, Michael "Rebirth"
Lederman, Cindy
Lehr, Bob
Magahern, Jimmy
Manning, Marty
Martin, Peter
McBroom, Dennis
McCarty, Chris
McCarty, Steve
Mell, Ed
Migdoll, Susan
Moody, Kim (Alwun House)
Morrison, Barbara
Murray, Jim
Nadworney, Nina "Nina Joy"
Niccolson, Scott
Norton, Virginia
Nussbaum,Belle "Belle Starr"
Nykanan, Mark
Olson, Andy
Olson, Hans
Paceley, Ken
Page, Daniel "Rebirth"
Peterson, Linda
Peterson, Marsha
Porter, Sharon Elaine
Powell, Lee
Price, Bill
Pyle, Slagge T.
Radina, Kathy
Robb, Gary
Robertson, John (Crazy John)
Rogers, Bob
Rogers, Rich
Roland. Ed
Schneider, Sue
Shaw, Russell "Wonderful"
Slagle, Bonnie
Smith, Doug
Smith, Erica
Soderquist, George
Soderquist, Skio
Stratton, Ted
Sussman, Terri (V.P. AMEHOF)
Sweet, Cheryl
Thomson, Betty
Thomson, Ray
Thompson, Linda
Thrift, Bill (Terros)
Tindle, Dwight
Usry, Kent
Vascocu, Tommy
Wales, Lissa (Deceased)
Webb, Kevin "Do It Now" (Deceased)
Whitener, Kasey
Wortham, Ron
Wright, Tom
Zelisko, Dan
Please leave a comment to this post to have information added, updated, edited or deleted. Hyperlinked names will launch an email to that person.
Have a great day!
So Long Guitar Man
As reported by Miss Holly King, host of Rockabilly and Beyond on RFP:
Alvin Wayne Casey, guitarist, passed away at 8:40 AM this day Sunday September 17, 2006 He has gone on to the great forever. So long to a great friend. He was most noted for the records he made with producer Lee Hazlewood, with artists like Duane Eddy and Sanford Clark. He also has made numerous records on his own, reaching his commercial peak in the early 1960s, when a few of his instrumental (or mostly instrumental) surf and R&B-rock singles made the Top Hundred. In the 1960s and 1970s he worked often as a session player in Los Angeles, and was still putting out records under his own name in the 1990s. Casey was still in his teens when he started working with Hazlewood in Phoenix, introducing Lee to Sanford Clark, whose hit "The Fool" was produced by Hazlewood. Casey's band backed Clark on the singer's records, as well as other discs cut by Hazlewood. Casey was in Eddy's band, the Rebels, in which he played the piano, although he's more known for his guitar playing. Casey also wrote one of Eddy's earliest hits, "Ramrod," as well as cowriting another Eddy hit, "Forty Miles of Bad Road," with Duane. In the early 1960s Casey was dividing his time between sessions in L.A. and Phoenix, and working with his own group, the Al Casey Combo. Somewhat surprisingly, considering his twangy background with Eddy and the surf recordings in his near future, his first successes were with bluesy instrumental rock singles with a jazzy organ groove (played by Casey himself). "Cookin'" made ..92 on the pop chart, while a similar follow-up, "Jivin' Around," did a little better, getting to ..71 pop and ..22 in the R&B listings. In 1963, however, he and Hazlewood rode the surf craze and cut an entire surf LP, much of which featured Hazlewood compositions, and all of which had respectably tough reverberant guitar by Casey. A single from the album, "Surfin' Hootenanny" (with almost incidental female vocals by the K-C-Ettes, aka the Blossoms), became Casey's biggest hit, making ..48; top L.A. session dudes Leon Russell (organ) and Hal Blaine (drums) were present on many or all of the tracks. Casey's solo career petered out when the small independent label he recorded for, Stacy, closed shop around the beginning of 1964. Casey found a lot of work, though, as a session man, on recordings by artists including the Beach Boys, Eddy Arnold, and Frank Sinatra. He also ran a music store in Hollywood in the late 1960s, and played as a member of the band on Dean Martin's television show. In the mid-'90s he made a solo recording for Bear Family, Sidewinder. ( Thanks to Troy for this quick Bio.) When I have times and dates for the graveside services and the Wake, I will send ASAP Dionne at Ziggies Music
OFF-TOPIC (?) WTC/9-11
A Gathering in the 'GARDEN OF ALWUN' Tuesday Sept 26th 8 PM
As I mentioned in my email to Kim, how about we throw in a little tribute to Lissa Wales while we're all there? What do you think? I feel her spirit in the genesis of this really strongly so it's just an idea...a nice little tribute a year later...? Wouldn't it be awesome if the video of the benefit (or at least parts of it if it’s not all edited yet) that Danny and Troy did for Lissa that Ken Beals (AMEHOF) helped videotape could be shown that night? Or maybe we can plan one for her when we are all together at this one? Feedback? Ideas?
1. Can someone contact Danny Zelisko and Troy Lucketta about that video who might be able to help coordinate that specific idea if y'all want to do that? I can contact Lissa’s friends at Tempe Camera, email Danny and call Troy Lucketta and Ken Beals to tell them what we are doing. Bob could you call Tom Story to invite him?
2. Marty, can you call Danny and do you have time to contact the ol' KCAC/KDKB gang and ask them to be part of this? Any ideas along that theme for the night?
3. John Dixon are you on board? Andy Olson? How about spinning some tunes? You're the official music gurus.
4. Tom can you come and bring whatever fantastic KCAC/KDKB mementos you want to bring? Liz could you coordinate that with Andy and Tom?
5. Russ, can you toss some of your Wonderful ideas into this thing?
6. Liz, can the two of us make a list of stuff to bring to the party and see who will bring what to Alwun House – maybe Cheryl Sweet would have time to help, she’s so good at that sort of stuff. Can you ask her about it?
How about we make it BYOB so people can bring their favorite beverages/sun tea/drinks/wine/beer/snacks whatever…and keep a list of what people want to have and who is bringing what here on the blog? Ideas anyone?
God is Alive. Magic is Afoot. We can pull this off together! "It's a no brainer!" (o:

Looks good for Tuesday, Sept 26, at 8pm (not 7)
I've got a nearby neighborhood community meeting from 5:30-7:30pm. - can get back to house by 7:45 to open doors and put away the dane dogs.
I earlier replied by e-mail to Bob Gately "if reunion planning date discussed, Keep me in the loop; or give me a call so I got "heads-up" calendar/schedule.
Anyway, looking forward to Tue, Sept 26, 8pm. Bring your refreshment choice of brand.
IT'S TIME (go Chamber Brothers)... and what is that sound?
602.253.7967 (direct line)
PS want to see our garden size : check our Garden Tour:
Monday, September 18, 2006
DEJA'VU Then & Now Mugshots: MONA LISA

Picture courtesy of Wonderful Russ Shaw
The Paris Hilton makeover - except she still can't sing. But neither can Paris. Still, it's a great cover for Homeland Security investigative work. Inspiring isn't it?
Hair streaked, Cher Eyes and a boob job - C.S.I. Miami would hire her on the spot. The introduction line would be: "Hi my name is Mona and I am from Homeland Security. FEMA needs your MasterCard number. Now."
Got any pictures or tapes from the old KCAC days? Get in touch.
Attention: Two birds with one stone, Sept 26 7PM
This reguards Alwun's offer of there garden for us to meet there. Daniel and I are looking forward to meeting ya'll while he's here... and there is that business of the tapes and archives... and arrangements with Tom Wright about his tapes, and each other, about what can be done, and how...
Lets plan to do both at the Alwun House, Sept. 26, Tuesday evening after 7 or 8 PM... give or take a day. That gives us enough time to work it out, if its OK with Kim Moody and 'The Alwun House" folks so... The balls in there court now. Whoever is in touch with them, and on good terms, we need that done while we have time to find another place if need be.
Thanks Mariah... and Daniel...
And to our first emmisary to Alwun House to stand up... We thank you, in advance for standing up, presenting and varifying this with them... Please and Thank You!
[dont mention the band, the keg, the light show or the electric kool-aid, till we know how big the garden is.]
Hey hey, dont get excited, just talkin... but if that still gets you excited, bring your ideas & lets talk about it there! Maybe we could conjure up a rebirth of the ledgendary, "Feast of Friends" so bring it.
This stops nothing! reguarding other plans or event already being discussed or planned for Daniel's short visit here, so carry on... hope to see you all at the Alwun House, or somewhere else if needed, Sept. 26, Tuesday evening after 7 or 8 PM... [give or take] until then i remain, your virtual friend and suporter...
Bruce Frank
Sunday, September 17, 2006

From The Drudge Report
ROGER WATERS [PINK FLOYD] CONCERT TOUR HITS NORTH AMERICA AND NYC WITH FLYING PIGS, URGING DEM VOTES IN ELECTION, 'IMPEACH BUSH' WRITTEN ON REAR OF PIG FLOATING OVER AUDIENCE... One concertgoer writes: 'Seeing Bush's name written across the pig's arse made me howl'... The pig had graffiti. 'New Yorkers/Don't be led to the slaughter/Vote November 7'... another attendee played off the hit 'Another Brick in the Wall': ''We don't need no thought control,' even from Mr. Waters'...
Another sends a review: 'I attended the Roger Waters 9/15 show at Jones Beach, Wantagh, NY. At one point during the show Waters juxtaposed pictures of the President, Karl Rove, Ronald Reagan, and Margaret Thatcher with pictures of Osama bin Laden, Mao Zedong, Stalin, and other world tyrants. Rogers asked whether 'these people [Arabs] are really are enemies'. This took place during his anti-Bush/Blair song 'Leaving Beirut' in which he claimed 'that Texas education must have really f*cked you up' and asked why Tony the 'US poodle/pawn' is a warmongerer'...
Easy Rider (For Bob Gately)

Yo Bob... here's a picture of the bike. I am almost sure I can simply hang my rolling walker upside-down over the chrome rack on top of the backrest! I'm pretty recovered from the strokes but still need the walker or cane. At this point I have it stripped down with the carbs off, ready to pull the engine. Going mostly by the book..... slowly.
To give you some idea of how BIG this thing is... that's my son on front. He's 6'4" tall. Behind him is my nephew, he's 6'2" tall. Four cylinders.. like a car - 1200cc. The saddlebags and the big bag the walker will hang from have all got handles and are actually SUITCASES! FM stereo w/cassette. After all, it is a 1984 model.
THIS is how I plan to get to one of the reunions, pow-wows or whatever in Phoenix. My guess is early spring or whenever I can trust myself on it. 1000 miles, 45 mpg but what a sweet way to fly!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
tapes update
FYI - in the spirit of those days, when we were all seeking out good new music: check out Andy Hersey, a native-born Arizonan who worked on a number of ranches around Sonoita before taking up music full-time. What Townes Van Zandt and Robert Earl Keen are to Texas, Andy Hersey is to Arizona: our musical poet lauriate, someone who truly loves and appreciates Arizona and expresses it beautifully in song. His CD "Companero Blanco" is the best thing I've heard in years. (Think of it as an Arizona version of John Stewart's great "California Bloodlines." Yes, it's that good.) Check out his website (, buy the CD, and watch for upcoming gigs at the Last Exit or the Yucca Tap Room.
More later...
SPAM-a-lama-crama-dama with cheese. CLICK HERE

Along with the host of scams and lies being foisted upon us by the government, the media and various other money-driven Trolls and Spooks, we have to deal with bugs and cookies in our computers. You know --- COOKIES like Hansel and Gretel. Some of the cookies in your computer are real time savers and serve a real purpose. Other cookies can often combine with each other via stealth programming and create a third entity within your computer that is simply monstrous. Why do the Spooks and such DO that? Because they can.
Therefore your browser cache and other areas store up these cookies (and other stuff) to the point that they fight for space in your ISP connection. I have come to regard that browser cache and other file collection points as "THE TOILET". For a toilet to work well it must be flushed from time to time.
Enter Ccleaner, a freeware program that will FLUSH your toilet from time to time as you suspect a buildup of CRAP.
That's what the "C" in Ccleaner stands for - Crap.
Ccleaner has gone from a privately developed tool to clean crap with, to something along the lines of a popular toilet brush with millions of copies out there. These people are in a Jihad against CRAP. God bless them.
Click the headline for a free download.
Friday, September 15, 2006
The evolution of virtual people

I tried to find a pic to post with the below blogg and gave up not finding anything suitable... As soon as I posted it, Mark Rinard, my buddy, Lead guitarist and protochay, in Col. sent me this pic and it was just right... and just on time if i had checked my email.. more syncronisity i suppose but its right
Here it is..
over and out
Bruce Frank
Daniels comin home to Phoenix... Let him in!
That’s really good news I'm sure looking forward to seeing you again. I just talked to Marilyn, Joes sister... and got Garys #, but not him. They are comin to Phoenix for Joe and Larry’s memorial on the 24th of Sept... To be held somewhere on the rim, above Payson.. That is the tentative plan at this point and should stand firm, as they’ve notified many people.
Gregg will be thrilled to see you as well as Kathy, John, Duane...ect. I'm in Phoenix now also and would really welcome the chance to meet all the KCAC people, bloggers, friends family, new and old... in this life, yet and not yet...
Curious how in this age... We seldom notice our new environments as we enter them... Only in retrospect, looking back on them...
We can communicate, interact, collaborate, build bonds of friendship and trust... all without seeing or physically meeting each other... like having virtual friends and allies, that live in a virtual reality, encoded and stored as X's and O’s, 1's and 0's, on and off... within computers... somewhere on the net... like new DNA and a web of global fiber-optic neurons that connect us, and come to life, like genies, when summoned up... by other newly awakened life forms... yearning… and reaching out, beyond diversity and separation... Like a new one celled being, trying to be born… totally connected and aware, sharing life, love, and evolution, new mutations in the DNA code... where our true genius and ancient knowledge lives.
Oh! ... You think not... yet...
We are all f***ing brilliant… we’re all true geniuses… Way beyond what we’ve been told… Way beyond what our little minds can fathom, define or hold… beyond what we can understand or say… So I’ll just say…
I Love You
Have a nice day
Bruce Frank
PS. I don’t know where that all came from… but you always inspire me Daniel. By the way, weather you believe or understand any of that… You’re probably right.

Amongst the many pictures shared by Don Johnson is this choice middle 70's shot of Dave Deerhake, zooming down the road. He APPEARS to be driving a car but with Dave.... you could never be sure. We've featured Dave before but not during Levitation.

Dave was described - as were many of us - as demented, on drugs, deranged, dumfounded and a bunch of other "D" words including Desperately Oversexed and Destined for Baldness as well as "Dehumanized raper of small birds". Such loose descriptions (possibly originating from within The Arizona Republic) are simply not true. Dave was not into birds.
Got pics from the old days? Send them in!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
I'm comin' to Phoenix!
It seems things are finally coming together, and I'm actually going to be able to make it down to Arizona this month. The (flexible) plan is to leave here (central Oregon) on this coming Monday, the 18th, drive down through Nevada to Prescott where I can harass Bruce for a day or three, visit his brother Greg in Black Canyon, and then drift south to Phoenix to visit John. It would be great to meet Jimmy, Mariah, Andy, Marty, Bob, Russ, Ray, Dwight, Liz, or anyone who's still in the Phoenix area and would like to get together over a cup of coffee or something. I'd also like to make a pilgrimage to the place where Bill slipped his mortal bonds, to pay my respects, if someone would be willing to show me where it is - and to his memorial plaque (would need directions to this, too). It'd be nice to see Andy's RFP setup, and visit AMEHOF, if I can work that in somehow. I wish Carole and Ron and Dan were there, but Colorado, Texas and Hawaii are just a bit out of my range this time. I love ya all, though, don't cha know, and am looking forward to saying hello after 34 years, for those of you I met back then - and for the first time, for those I didn't know then. Cripes, I'm not even sure who I did meet back then! The memories have faded so much - I remember a few trips to KCAC and Starbrite, and of course there were the concerts in the desert (at which I'm sure I met more of you than I can recall). There were camping trips up to the Mogollan Rim, the Wesak festivals in Cottonwood, and many other sublime and poignant times - the names, faces and particulars may have faded, but not the essence. Anyway, I'm planning on staying until around the 26th or 27th before heading back to Oregon - if any of you would like to trade phone numbers so we can hook up (I'll have my cell phone on the trip), please email me: vagabondvet {at} gmail {dot} com).
Peace an' great harmony to you...

The first thing I learned about being a DJ - beginning in 1962 is; EVERYBODY wants to be a DJ!
Somewhere in your mind, you have a song or two that JUST FIT TOGETHER right? This could be a lot of fun for Andy and Liz at RFP [and maybe a bunch of other stations] It's kinda like a request line BUT is a short creative statement....
"Rhapsody In Blue" (New York Philharmonic) mixed into "New York City Serenade" (Bruce Springsteen)
"Rocky Mountain Way" (Joe Walsh) mixed into "Sex Machine" (Sly and the Family Stone)
There. I said it. Now I can go back to listening to the little voices in my head and the ringing in my ears.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
KCAC lives!: We are not gathered here to find a purpose - The Purpose has found us and gathered us together here.
Mariah... I love that expression and say it often.. 'cut the cake' cause i find it such an absurd concept ... "you can't have your cake and eat it too" LOL I'm a dedicated hedonist... and life is to enjoy... you can have your cake and eat it too... CUT THE CAKE!
PS. yes pleasure's good for its own sake... but "Pleasure never better than when it's shared"
Enjoy my friend...
the best of love and life
Bruce Frank
More on tapes
Anybody know if Hans Olson has tapes of his live radio appearances in the 1970s? I've got a couple of them on tape (one early 1975, one May 1976) but they're both from battered, hissy old cassettes, and I'm hoping that somebody somewhere has better copies. There's also a legendary, 4-in-the-morning, falling-down-drunk show he did with Nina Joy sometime prior to the 1976 show... I didn't tape it; did anybody???
THE LIST - Edition #4
Adams, Lynne
Alves, Jack
Apicella, John
Arnold, Linda
Bailey, Jim
Baldwin, Mike
Baldwin, Russ
Bowen, Ray
Bell, Bob
Bennett, Fran
Bentley, Connie
Bethancourt, Joe
Boyle, Liz
Bradychocks, Julie
Cahal, John "Rebirth" (private - contact vagabondvet)
Carroll, Todd
Carter, Marsha
Carver, Sue
Clark, Doug
Compton, Bill (Deceased)
Compton-Glenn, Carole
Cookenboo, Hank (Deceased)
Covington, Dan
Crazy (Jan Isbell)(Deceased)
Curtis, Mike
Davis, Marc (Terros)
DeGray, Helen
Deerhake, David
Dickinson, Ted
Dixon, John (Johnny D)
Drake George F. (Springfield, Mass?)
Duane the Guitar Player "Rebirth"
Dunn, Bob
Emery, Vince
English, Alton
English, Jerry "Magic"
Fenimore, David
Flannigan, Julie
Fleming, Mariah
Frank, Bruce "Rebirth"
Frank, Gregg "Rebirth"
Friedman, Barry
Frieflander, Karen
Galindo, Alicia
Gant, Pegi {Cookenboo}
Garneau, Joe "Rebirth" (Deceased)
Garneau, Larry "Rebirth" (Deceased)
Garneau, Michelle "Rebirth" (private - contact vagabondvet)
Gately, Bill (Deceased)
Gately, Bob
Geist, Barry "Rebirth"
Goodman, Mike
Grieger, Kathy "Rebirth"
Harris, Eric "Pappa"
Harris, Sue Fenner
Harshberger, Dan
Herbert, Kimmer
Holmes, Chuck
Hoyle, Rich
Johnson, Don
Johnson, June
Johnson, Mike "Rebirth"
Kerr, Jon
Kinsey, Gary "Toad Hall" (Deceased)
Kinsey, Filipa
Kollassa, Mike
Koors, Tim
Kothrade, Michael "Rebirth"
Lederman, Cindy
Lehr, Bob
Magahern, Jimmy
Manning, Marty
Martin, Peter
McBroom, Dennis
McCarty, Chris
McCarty, Steve
Mell, Ed
Migdoll, Susan
Moody, Kim (Alwun House)
Morrison, Barbara
Murray, Jim
Nadworney, Nina "Nina Joy"
Niccolson, Scott
Norton, Virginia
Nussbaum,Belle "Belle Starr"
Nykanan, Mark
Olson, Andy
Olson, Hans
Paceley, Ken
Page, Daniel "Rebirth"
Peterson, Linda
Peterson, Marsha
Powell, Lee
Price, Bill
Pyle, Slagge T.
Radina, Kathy
Robb, Gary
Robertson, John (Crazy John)
Rogers, Bob
Rogers, Rich
Roland. Ed
Schneider, Sue
Shaw, Russell "Wonderful"
Slagle, Bonnie
Smith, Doug
Smith, Erica
Soderquist, George
Soderquist, Skio
Stratton, Ted
Sussman, Terri (V.P. AMEHOF)
Sweet, Cheryl
Thomson, Betty
Thomson, Ray
Thompson, Linda
Thrift, Bill (Terros)
Tindle, Dwight
Usry, Kent
Vascocu, Tommy
Wales, Lissa (Deceased)
Webb, Kevin "Do It Now" (Deceased)
Whitener, Kasey
Wortham, Ron
Wright, Tom
Zelisko, Dan
Please leave a comment to this post to have information added, edited or deleted. Hyperlinked names will launch an email to that person.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
We are not gathered here to find a purpose - The Purpose has found us and gathered us together here.
Monday, September 11, 2006
DEJA'VU Then & Now Mugshots: PEGI'S VAULT [Last in series]

THE PAINTED DESERT INN ca 1972. That's my closest guess as to the date. Probably replaced now by a McDonald's or Wal-Mart, the sign reads;
CONSTRUCTED 1937 -1940
VACATED - 1963
Mistaken for a Taco Bell, the Inn will probably be merged with a Denny's and then destroyed.. For now though (now being 1972) it's Adventureland!

Wagon Train Players are Kathy Radina, Bill Compton, Pegi Gant-Cookenboo and Tommy Vascocue.
THIS COMPLETES the "Pegi's Vault" series of pictures from a collection of about 500 overall ranging from 1968 to about 1972. It has been great fun for me to look back on all this and wonder how it was that I did not wind up in prison. I thought I played it really well as an illegal alien.
A last comment about the two principle ladies in these pages - Carole and Pegi. This has to do with Faith - not "churchiness" or judgement. Faith was a quiet thing with Bill and I and since his death, with Carole and Pegi and I as well. Whenever the subject of Jesus came up, Bill would simply nod in quiet axknowlegement. I LIKE that. Quite occasionally I get emailed prayers from Carole... the kind that are shared from others but always quality. Pegi's Faith is more passionate but is non-judgemental and I just want to mention my appreciation of that. The Group Hug that Pegi, Carole and I shared after the reunion in 1996, helps me believe in The Trinity.
We were Children of The Times.
We are Children of The Future.

Tapes Tapes Tapes!
FYI, I digitized the two Hans Olson tapes over the weekend... one turned out very well, and the other one - from a fragile, damaged tape - not so well but nevertheless complete and listenable. Anybody remember a song of his called "I'm Doing the Best I Can Do"? He damn near blew the roof off the studio with that one; an incredibly intense blues performance.
Don't expect sonic miracles from these tapes; I was a young punk with no money, so I had a cheap-ass Panasonic reel-to-reel tape recorder from J.C. Penney's, and I bought the lowest-grade tape I could find at Radio Shack. I also had a little crackerbox cassette recorder that I sometimes used instead of the Panasonic, because those Certron cassettes at the drugstore were even cheaper than the cheapest reel-to-reel tapes. Around 1978 the Panasonic suffered a merciful death and I switched to a relatively high-quality cassette deck... alas, I used Memorex cassettes for a couple of years, which sounded good at the time but have now shriveled with age and are prone to self-destruction if I dare to try to play them. By 1980 I switched to TDK cassettes which still survive in pristine shape, but by then there was little on the radio worth recording. So you've been warned: expect muddy sound, lots of hiss, occasional tape damage, and in general a pretty primitive sound. But at least I was smart enough to make direct recordings, through a headphone jack or other audio output device; these are not tinny "microphone-stuck-up-to-the-speaker" recordings. I think you'll enjoy them, once we get something set up to distribute them.