Dan, Is that in front of the Rebirth house on Washington? Wow..takes me WAY back. I didn't see any Rebirth staff photos in the newspapers you sent me but I will look again...I get so absorbed in it it's hard sometimes to stay on task (o:
Yes, that's the old house at #9 S. 13th. St., the corner of 13th and Washington. I'm in the middle of typing an email to Bruce now, as a matter of fact! Talk about a wayback machine! Next thing you know someone will post a picture of the gang hanging out with Bill at Mama Rosas or something!
Mariah... Dan... so glad your both here now, alive and ridin this bus... and that staff photo apeared, not in Rebirth but in a national paper back publication out of NY called COUNTDOWN... by Gary Goodson aliess Tom Forsod [sp] . By the way he has passed on too Dan, if you hadnt heard. What a character... that building we got from him...[#9] was the world headquarters and library for the underground press syndicate prior to Rebirth
Oh, Holy Cow, Bruce, I didn't know Tom passed that on to us... that happened even before I joined the family, I guess when you first started the paper, eh? Oh, it's Forcade, by the way... Thomas King Forcade, founder of the Underground Press Syndicate and High Times, a true underground legend. Yes, I did know Tom had passed on, I've read some about him, and even sent in a comment to High Times one time in response to a request for old Tom Forcade stories. Joe Garneau's significant other Vicki Johnson just sent the picture to me, and said the book was "Countdown 3: Subterranean Magazines," and included, if I understood correctly, an interview Tom did with us when he was staying with us one time, with that picture accompanying the article. I remember Tom with much fondness, he stayed with us several times there. I didn't know the even earlier history, though, that he'd passed the building on to us... what a kick! It's so good to get back in touch, man... I can't put it into words. I imagine if you go back over the posts in this KCAC Lives site you'll find lots of other posts and comments from people you knew then, there've been a lot of nostalgic journeys here. Namasté, my brother.
Bruce, Daniel is right, you should for sure go through the archives starting from the beginning when Jimmy started his blog. I sent some links to Ray Thomson (do you remember him?) too. There's lots of stuff there that will bring the memories flooding back and if you add stuff to the old archives, be sure to let us know in the current comments section so we can go back and look, ok? I left another comment for you on this page, scroll down a ways, I think it's after one from Bob Gately.
Do you remember a girl named Susie Upchurch from Rebirth? This is so much fun!
Hey guys, It's amazing to know that the Phx Rebirth house was the world hq and library for the Underground Press Syndicate in those days! I've always believed here we are more politically astute than popular wisdom would lead 'outsiders' to believe (well not always!) It's gems like these that are grist for my imagination and hope.
And wouldn't it be something if someone did find a picture of everyone hanging out at Mama Rosa's one of those many nights? Those were sure nice folks who worked there. Do you remember who owned the place? Always so kind to everyone. Bruce, when did you leave here? Was it long after Bill married Joe and Michelle? Some of the years run a little together, y'know?
By the way if you aren't already listening you should absolutely check out Radio Free Phoenix on the internet. Our own Andy Olson (who has a legend of his own in Phx radio) is keeping the dream alive with that station. Named in honor of KCAC the first "radio free Phoenix."
Wow Im mommentarly overwelned... maybe because i just did my first couple hits of salvia... im back now but feel diferent... a very heavy life experience , lost track of time and didnt know where when or if id ever return... now im doing this. yes I do remember suzy... and don and yes many other lovable unforgetable crazys... sat with many at mama rosas...yes... and Ive just scrached the surface here, looking forward to more. I'll add as i can and try to stay on topic... which can be hard for me depending. Bless you all for sharing this wonderful life. Bruce
SSSSOOOOooooo You've met "Sally". I've been going to try it but am undetermined as to the physical effects. Psycotropics don't usually hurt me but Sally may be a complete - if temporary - disconnect. I've been doing superconducting White Powders of Gold but have run into some discomfort, dizziness and high sensitivity to my environment.
Gold is a long-term experience. Sally on the other hand, might be a doorway. That's what I am seeking... the party may get hot and very rowdy soon. I wanna know where that door is.
I just gotta ask what and on what level... is that code or an anology... I've heard of the seductive long term effects of gold, a craving like power that consumes and corrupts men but they can never get enough... naaa. I've had seductive... orgasmic white powders...worth ther weight in gold but even with more you could never get enough to get that same thrill you had before... naaa superconducting... the surface has just been scratched... but Old English scratch remover covers it. naa. See what i mean? Very provocative stuff to an experienced and well travelled conisouire. [an olympic party team qualifier too... more on that later] Now salvia 'Sally' i have met, in one very breif but phyical encounter. near total disconnect i was concious but i didnt know where or when.. I felt over powerd but i liked it. Ive had anastetics that didnt come on so strong... and then it was over. I picked up my dick, smiled...ummm think I'll be seing her again. Sally left near as fast as she arrived but i still had another hour left on my dance card. I knew id never for get her... or you Ron, so just treat her right for me if you see her. Thanks... Bruce
Bruce - Perhaps it would be best to do an article on Sally and on Gold, rather than try to answer you here.. Besides, this entry is about to archive.
But as an outline; we are talking about ENHANCED and RESTORED conciousness, body electrolyte and recombinant DNA all mixed in with the concept of Alchemy and MANNA.
Is that in front of the Rebirth house on Washington? Wow..takes me WAY back. I didn't see any Rebirth staff photos in the newspapers you sent me but I will look again...I get so absorbed in it it's hard sometimes to stay on task (o:
Hi, Mariah,
Yes, that's the old house at #9 S. 13th. St., the corner of 13th and Washington. I'm in the middle of typing an email to Bruce now, as a matter of fact! Talk about a wayback machine! Next thing you know someone will post a picture of the gang hanging out with Bill at Mama Rosas or something!
Mariah... Dan... so glad your both here now, alive and ridin this bus... and that staff photo apeared, not in Rebirth but in a national paper back publication out of NY called COUNTDOWN... by Gary Goodson aliess Tom Forsod [sp] .
By the way he has passed on too Dan, if you hadnt heard.
What a character... that building we got from him...[#9] was the world headquarters and library for the underground press syndicate prior to Rebirth
Oh, Holy Cow, Bruce, I didn't know Tom passed that on to us... that happened even before I joined the family, I guess when you first started the paper, eh? Oh, it's Forcade, by the way... Thomas King Forcade, founder of the Underground Press Syndicate and High Times, a true underground legend. Yes, I did know Tom had passed on, I've read some about him, and even sent in a comment to High Times one time in response to a request for old Tom Forcade stories. Joe Garneau's significant other Vicki Johnson just sent the picture to me, and said the book was "Countdown 3: Subterranean Magazines," and included, if I understood correctly, an interview Tom did with us when he was staying with us one time, with that picture accompanying the article. I remember Tom with much fondness, he stayed with us several times there. I didn't know the even earlier history, though, that he'd passed the building on to us... what a kick! It's so good to get back in touch, man... I can't put it into words. I imagine if you go back over the posts in this KCAC Lives site you'll find lots of other posts and comments from people you knew then, there've been a lot of nostalgic journeys here. Namasté, my brother.
Daniel is right, you should for sure go through the archives starting from the beginning when Jimmy started his blog. I sent some links to Ray Thomson (do you remember him?) too. There's lots of stuff there that will bring the memories flooding back and if you add stuff to the old archives, be sure to let us know in the current comments section so we can go back and look, ok? I left another comment for you on this page, scroll down a ways, I think it's after one from Bob Gately.
Do you remember a girl named Susie Upchurch from Rebirth? This is so much fun!
With love to all of you...
Hey guys,
It's amazing to know that the Phx Rebirth house was the world hq and library for the Underground Press Syndicate in those days! I've always believed here we are more politically astute than popular wisdom would lead 'outsiders' to believe (well not always!) It's gems like these that are grist for my imagination and hope.
And wouldn't it be something if someone did find a picture of everyone hanging out at Mama Rosa's one of those many nights? Those were sure nice folks who worked there. Do you remember who owned the place? Always so kind to everyone. Bruce, when did you leave here? Was it long after Bill married Joe and Michelle? Some of the years run a little together, y'know?
By the way if you aren't already listening you should absolutely check out Radio Free Phoenix on the internet. Our own Andy Olson (who has a legend of his own in Phx radio) is keeping the dream alive with that station. Named in honor of KCAC the first "radio free Phoenix."
Keep thinking peace and love, my brothers!
Wow Im mommentarly overwelned... maybe because i just did my first couple hits of salvia... im back now but feel diferent... a very heavy life experience , lost track of time and didnt know where when or if id ever return... now im doing this.
yes I do remember suzy... and don and yes many other lovable unforgetable crazys... sat with many at mama rosas...yes... and Ive just scrached the surface here, looking forward to more. I'll add as i can and try to stay on topic... which can be hard for me depending.
Bless you all for sharing this wonderful life.
SSSSOOOOooooo You've met "Sally". I've been going to try it but am undetermined as to the physical effects. Psycotropics don't usually hurt me but Sally may be a complete - if temporary - disconnect. I've been doing superconducting White Powders of Gold but have run into some discomfort, dizziness and high sensitivity to my environment.
Gold is a long-term experience.
Sally on the other hand, might be a doorway. That's what I am seeking... the party may get hot and very rowdy soon. I wanna know where that door is.
I just gotta ask what and on what level... is that code or an anology... I've heard of the seductive long term effects of gold, a craving like power that consumes and corrupts men but they can never get enough... naaa. I've had seductive... orgasmic white powders...worth ther weight in gold but even with more you could never get enough to get that same thrill you had before... naaa superconducting... the surface has just been scratched... but Old English scratch remover covers it.
naa. See what i mean? Very provocative stuff to an experienced and well travelled conisouire. [an olympic party team qualifier too... more on that later]
Now salvia 'Sally' i have met, in one very breif but phyical encounter. near total disconnect i was concious but i didnt know where or when.. I felt over powerd but i liked it. Ive had anastetics that didnt come on so strong... and then it was over. I picked up my dick, smiled...ummm think I'll be seing her again.
Sally left near as fast as she arrived but i still had another hour left on my dance card.
I knew id never for get her... or you Ron, so just treat her right for me if you see her.
Thanks... Bruce
Bruce - Perhaps it would be best to do an article on Sally and on Gold, rather than try to answer you here.. Besides, this entry is about to archive.
But as an outline; we are talking about ENHANCED and RESTORED conciousness, body electrolyte and recombinant DNA all mixed in with the concept of Alchemy and MANNA.
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