Sunday, October 29, 2006

seeing spots before my eyes...

Hi Everyone!
I'm back in Phoenix again helping Fred move... and using a friends computer. Good trick Daniel... I was just seeing the background spots for awhile... not the type on the blog... Ummm I can see again... Long live the blog!
Bruce Frank


vagabondvet said...

Howdy, Bruce, and Fred,

Moving, eh? That's always a traumatic event, I hope it all goes smoothly. It should be cooling off down there, so that will make things easier (at least I assume it is, a little bit, anyway, right?) Anyway, nice to hear from ya, hope all's well...


Bruce Frank said...

Hi Daniel
... just cause ya dont see me doesent mean I'm hiding... Ya know I'malways with ya. Went as smooth as moveing can go... well maybe not that smoth... Freds a real collector, of anything... grocery bags, one serving resterant condiments... record nicnaks and dragons... all cool enough til ya got to move! we were under the gun though as he was evicted, in court, and the sheriffes are entitled to use force and have the locks changed... we sweated it 3 days and made it with the help of our friends $$$ especialy John C, and Dale. I'm beat and Fred... hes about to pass out , in fact he was. He's not healthy... and all he wants is some help,,, some disability out all them years he worked and paid in. You know... you've been there. Tonight i need a blow job and a rub down... and ... well that be good even with out the drugs... Like I say, and you CAN quote me... 'Pleasure Never Better than When it's Shared'
Hey Love Ya
PS Read about so0me troubles on the blog and had some, I posted this thread on the Blog... over a day ago .... and only got erroe messages, it still wasn't posted this morning, this evening it apeares, much to my suprize.
From the BoZone

vagabondvet said...

Ain't life grand? Just chock full of surprises, always keeps us guessin'. Bummer about Fred, but at least it didn't come without advance warning. Hope he gets settled in and figures out the cash flow thing. Don't know what's with the blog lately, have had a couple of weird things happen myself, as have others, but it seems to be working now, I sure hope we don't have any more problems with it - and that you and Fred have a nice restful evening. Later, bro...


vagabondvet said...

By the way, Bruce, have you heard anything new about Duane? Can you give us an update on his condition? Have you talked to him? Tell him I'm hopin' he's doin' better. Ron's probably in the horse-spittal too, gettin' his carotids Roto-Rootered, both of 'em deserve our good thoughts.

Bruce Frank said...

Just talked ton Duane... hes home. and disabled on the left side. His spirit are good and he apreciates your concern. He aint giving up and will learn over and come back... and i beleive him. Ron knows about it... they both got a lot of brain left!... or brain right, how ever that works! LOL.. forgive me I've been accoused of laughing AT INAPROPRIATE TIMES!
lOVE AND Laughter
From the BoZone

vagabondvet said...

The Bo Zone. Gotta love it. Nah, a good chuckle's always good medicine, and only rarely "inappropriate." Okay, thanks for the good news, I'm relieved. Pass on my joy, will ya? Peace an' har-mo-knee...
