Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The Department of Peace-We Can Work It Out!!
Published on Monday, February 26, 2007 by the Seattle Times (Washington)
Give Department of Peace a Chance
by US Rep. Jim McDermott
In a world torn by conflict, I can't think of a better time, or a greater need, for America to act as a force for good at home and around the world.
A bill recently was reintroduced in Congress that will go a long way toward bringing peace both at home and abroad. The measure would create a Cabinet-level Department of Peace.
The proposed department will give voice to the latest research and expertise on peaceful efforts in many areas from safe schools to international arms control.
The legislation, which I am co-sponsoring, would fund, support and coordinate programs already in existence in schools, prisons, police departments, educational institutions, charitable organizations and elsewhere that are proven to reduce domestic and international violence and enhance the security and health of all Americans.
I believe a Department of Peace represents the ideals on which this country was founded. Our legislation, HR 808, embodies the dreams and aspirations of Americans to live in a nation that uses its great strength to support the cooperative efforts of people throughout the world to create peace.
In my years as a congressman and as a physician in the U.S. military, I have recognized repeatedly that the interests of the one cannot triumph over the interests of the many; that the security concerns of the United States are best served by diplomacy and cooperation rather than brute force.
A Department of Peace won't be just another top-heavy bureaucratic organization. Much like the Environmental Protection Agency, it will provide a uniting framework for existing organizations scattered throughout the U.S. currently working to bring peace to our communities and the world.
The department will research, propose and facilitate practical, field-tested solutions to reduce conflict, providing financial and institutional heft to our current ineffectual efforts to deal with all forms of domestic and international violence and discord. And it will help develop curricula to educate students in grades K-12 on how to resolve conflict peacefully.
Internationally, a Department of Peace will advise the president and Congress on the most innovative techniques to establish and promote peace among nations, and will research and analyze the root causes of war to help prevent conflicts from escalating to the point of violence.
It will create a Peace Academy, on par with the Military Service Academies, to train civilian peacekeepers and the military in the latest nonviolent conflict-resolution strategies and approaches. And it will provide a direct voice at the president's table to offer peaceful solutions to conflicts before they disintegrate into violence.
The president's recently proposed federal budget would allocate more than $439 billion to our military, an increase of more than 5 percent. A Department of Peace will cost a small fraction of that, or approximately $8 billion a year. That amount is less than we currently spend each month for the war in Iraq.
Clearly, a Department of Peace will be a bargain and, it will be money well spent. It will save dollars and, more importantly, it will save lives.
As the globe shrinks, as the peoples and countries of the world become more entwined in both commerce and security, our consciousness has expanded.
I've learned there's something about the human spirit, about the spirit of Americans everywhere, that strives for cooperation rather than domination. We all yearn for peace, and for the prosperity that peace brings. We all yearn for a better world for our children and our children's children. We want for them the best education possible; health care that encompasses and embraces everyone; a retirement secure from the plagues and worries that come with inadequate income and support; a healthy environment; and a world freed from the horrors of war.
By reducing the immense costs of violence both domestically and internationally, a U.S. Department of Peace will help secure these essentials. It will demonstrate to our citizens and to the world that the United States is committed to using its great strength in partnership with all peoples to work for, and champion, peace. And, it will provide a beacon of hope for everyone that the peace we yearn for is not an unachievable dream, but an obtainable reality.
As President Bush correctly noted, Americans are a peace-loving people. Now is the time to put these words into action.
U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Seattle, represents the 7th Congressional District of Washington state. For more information about the proposed U.S. Department of Peace, go to
Copyright © 2007 The Seattle Times Company
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Casual Reading For The Boiling Frog
The Frog? Well, you put a frog in a pan of cold water, place it on the stove and turn on the heat. How hot does it have to get before the frog freaks out and jumps out of the pan? Boiling. All the way boiling. The frog will be boiled alive before he jumps out. He doesn't KNOW he is in danger.
A long time ago - a couple of years or so, I made the observation on a much larger news website, that somebody had blown the timing sequence of the WTC bombings. That's what they were - bombings. Thermite probably or even a mini-nuke.
What was SUPPOSED to happen? Plane hits building, building falls. Plane hits second building. Building falls. Immediately. Just like hollywood. End of story.
WTC 7 is another story. Nothing hit it. Still it fell, all on its own.
Conspiracy? Nahhhhhhhh.... shit happens. But it was covered by the BBC 20 minutes BEFORE it fell. Kinda like the South American newspapers that reported Kennedy's asassination the day BEFORE it happened.
Warm enough for you?
Look at WTC 7 off the reporter's left shoulder and
click the headline.

Drummer IAN WALLACE dead at 60
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Ian Wallace, a journeyman drummer who toured with Bob Dylan, Don Henley, Bonnie Raitt and recorded with Stevie Nicks, Ry Cooder and other music stars, has died. He was 60. Wallace died last Thursday at UCLA Medical Center of complications from esophageal cancer, his wife Marjorie Pomeroy said Monday.
Born in Bury, England, Wallace began playing in rock bands in the 1960s and earned a reputation for his eclectic range. Wallace went on to provide beats for prominent musicians in a variety of genres. They included Crosby, Stills & Nash, Stevie Nicks, Roy Orbison, Traveling Wilburys, Brian Eno, and Jackson Browne.
He also played with several jazz bands. Besides his wife, Wallace is survived by his mother, his father and two daughters. Private memorial services were scheduled for March 11 in Los Angeles and on the weekend of March 17-18 in London.
Monday, February 26, 2007

I used to listen to this song back in what - 1970 - thinking; "Geez, even with all the Johnson and Nixon crap and even all that's happened in Viet Nam - that's a pretty heavy political squawk from Steppenwolf!". Now it is 30-odd years later. 1984 has come and gone. 2001 has come and gone. George Orwell and Stanley Kubrick are probably smoking ganja somewhere and saying to each other; - That's a pretty heavy political squawk from Steppenwolf!".
Words and music by John Kay, Jerry Edmonton, Nick St. Nicholas and Larry Byrom
Once the religious, the hunted and weary
Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
Came to this country to build a new vision
Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope
Like good Christians, some would burn the witches
Later some got slaves to gather riches
But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light
And once the ties with the crown had been broken
Westward in saddle and wagon it went
And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean
Many the lives which had come to an end
While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland
We began the slaughter of the red man
But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light
The blue and grey they stomped it
They kicked it just like a dog
And when the war over
They stuffed it just like a hog
And though the past has it's share of injustice
Kind was the spirit in many a way
But it's protectors and friends have been sleeping
Now it's a monster and will not obey
The spirit was freedom and justice
And it's keepers seem generous and kind
It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they won't pay it no mind
'Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
And now their vote is a meaningless joke
They babble about law and order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin'
Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner
We can't pay the cost
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching
America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster
Where were we now...?
"It is difficult to describe in words alone what this site is about. It is better that we do not try to define it - for it is an open ended question. What it could be compared to is the opposite of conditioning, the other side of knowing - where opening yourself to not knowing is the first step towards freedom. To know who we are , we need to know what others have tried to make us into. To be free is to surrender to mystery
The first attention is what we were told, what we were taught. The filter that we run 90% of our experience through. It is the filter of your beliefs and expectations. If you are happy there, safely tucked into the covers of faith and the known - you might want to leave now.
But if you have always wondered who or what we are - when you take away the patterns and habits that we inherited from family , friends and society - If you want to know what you would be when YOU choose which programs to run in your mind. When you decide at what frequency you want to run your filter. We are taking the first steps.
To get to the Second Attention, we must carefully undo the wrappers that we have allowed others to form around us. We must re-discover ourselvelves."
Say good nite now...
Check it out...
From the BoZone
PS Wish i could say more... but i stilled off a batch today and i can barely type
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Houston, Do We Have Contact??
Now, let's see if this shows up on the blog. I apologize that I have been unable to post any of the comments sent to the blog via the KCAC Lives email. I've been trying to figure this new system out for DAYS.
Ahh, the struggles of the non-binarians (o: among us. I never thought I'd look back fondly on the library's Dewey Decimal System (remember libraries, kids?) But, man oh man, this is the Binary Buggers system!
Houston, I'll call it 'Contact' if I can post again without jumping though hoops. Onward! BTW it's possible I am merely hallucinating seeing this post on the blog so y'all let me know if anyone else sees it! Computer frustration induced delusions. What would Timothy Leary say???
Saturday, February 24, 2007
"Goin' Down Slow" [The Buddy System?"]

"Old geezers never die, they just fade away". I personally, am not the only one on KCAC Lives! with health issues. We almost lost track of Hank, we almost let Dwight slip out the stage door and I have it privately via email that we have one or two other friends fading in and out of the hospital, subject to depression and being just generally pissed off at a world that has no right to change this fast or be so wrong. Same kinda stuff we heard from the previous generation.
It's not so much a matter of getting old, it's more like getting up and finding that your favorite shoes don't fit anymore.
Which brings up the subject of check-out time. Anybody got any ideas on how to keep an eye on those of us still breathing? I mean, It's damn hard to send emails when you aren't (breathing, that is).
PS Russ - You take Brittney, I'll take Katie. Let Tom rationalize THAT.
Friday, February 23, 2007
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ THE LIST ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
"We are not gathered here to find a purpose - The Purpose has found us and gathered us together here."
[[[Click here]]] to email your party invitation or other communications to everyone shown on "The List" at the same time!
Adams, Lynne
Alves, Jack
Apicella, John
Arizona Music and Entertainment Hall Of Fame
Arnold, Linda
Bailey, Jim
Baldwin, Mike
Baldwin, Russ
Beals,Ken (AMEHOF)
Bowen, Ray
Bell, Bob Boze
Bennett, Fran
Bentley, Connie
Bethancourt, Joe
Botkin, Jim
Boyle, Liz (AMEHOF/Radio Free Phoenix)
Bradychocks, Julie
Cahal, John (REBIRTH) (private - contact vagabondvet)
Carroll, Todd
Carter, Marsha
Carver, Sue
Clark, Doug
Collins, Michael
Compton, Bill (R.I.P.)
Compton-Glenn, Carole
Cookenboo, Hank (R.I.P.)
Covington, Dan
Crazy (Jan Isbell)(R.I.P.)
Curry. Robert S.
Curtis, Mike
Davis, Marc (TERROS)
DeGray, Helen
Deerhake, David
Dickinson, Ted
Dixon, John [Johnny D[\] (AMEHOF)
Drake George F. (Springfield, Mass?)
Dunn, Bob
Emery, Vince
English, Alton
English, Jerry "Magic"
Fenimore, David
Flannigan, Julie
Fleming, Mariah (AMEHOF)
Frank, Raman (REBIRTH)
Frank, Gregg (REBIRTH - Contact Bruce Frank)
Friedman, Barry
Frieflander, Karen
Galindo, Alicia
Gant, Pegi {Cookenboo}
Garneau, Larry (REBIRTH)
Garneau, Michelle (REBIRTH) (private - contact vagabondvet)
Gately, Bill (R.I.P.)
Gately, Bob
Geist, Barry (REBIRTH)
Goodman, Mike
Grieger, Kathy (contact through Bruce Frank)
Griffin, Dan
Harris, Ron (Eric) 'Pappa'
Harris, Sue Fenner
Harshberger, Dan
Herbert, Kimmer
Holmes, Chuck
Hoyle, Rich
Johnson, Don
Johnson, June
Johnson, Mike (REBIRTH)
Jones, Scott
Kerr, Jon (KCAC/KDKB)
Kinsey, Gary "Toad Hall" (R.I.P.)
Kinsey, Filipa
Kitchell, Nancy
Kollassa, Mike
Koors, Tim
Kothrade, Michael (REBIRTH)
Lange, Patrick
Lederman, Cindy
Lehr, Bob
Magahern, Jimmy (KCAC LIVES!)
Manning, Marty (KCAC/KDKB)
Martin, Peter
McBroom, Dennis (KDKB)
McCarty, Chris
McCarty, Steve
Meighan, Bob
Mell, Ed
Migdoll, Susan
Moody, Kim (ALWUN HOUSE)
Morrison, Barbara
Murray, Jim
Nadworney, Nina "Nina Joy"
Niccolson, Scott (KCAC/KDKB)
Norton, Virginia
Nussbaum,Belle "Belle Starr"
Nykanan, Mark
Olson, Hans (AMEHOF)
Paceley, Ken
Page, Daniel "vagabondvet" (REBIRTH)
Peterson, Linda (REBIRTH)
Peterson, Marsha
Porter, Sharon Elaine
Powell, Lee
Price, Bill
Pyle, Slagge T. (KDKB)
Radina, Kathy
Robb, Gary (R.I.P.)
Robertson, John (KDKB)
Robinson, Duane (REBIRTH)
Rogers, Bob
Rogers, Rich
Roland. Ed
Schneider, Sue
Shaw, Russell "Wonderful Russ"
Schecter, Eric
Skaggs, Ken - (AMEHOF Vice President)
Slagle, Bonnie
Smith, Doug
Smith, Erica
Soderquist, George (R.I.P.)
Soderquist, Skio
Stratton, Ted
Sussman, Terri (AMEHOF President)
Sweet, Cheryl
Thomson, Betty
Thomson, Ray (Private - see )
Thompson, Linda
Thrift, Bill (TERROS)
Tindle, Dwight (KDKB FOUNDER) (R.I.P.)
Usry, Kent
Vascocu, Tommy
Wakefield, Ken
Wales, Lissa (R.I.P.)
Whitener, Kasey
Wortham, Ron (KCAC/KDKB)
Wright, Tom
Zelisko, Dan
Please leave a comment to to have information added, updated, edited or deleted. Clicking hyperlinked (underlined) names will launch an email to that person. Have a great day!
If you are an anonymous [new] poster or reader with memories, tapes, pictures, wine, food, love and would like to be added to The List, please drop a line to to be added. You can email your contribution or inquiry the first time and we will send you an invitation to join the conversation with our merry band of regular posters. All you need is a memory, picture, tape or hug - to share.
The List has become a reference point for memories and emails to old friends. It also has become kind of a Social Register and will be something of a reference list for reunions and such in the future. Not only that, SOMEONE - maybe someone special from the old days, MAY be trying to find YOU.
March 4th Benefit show set for Valley drummer Vince Parker

Another item from this week's GetOut magazine:
"Vince Parker , a drummer for longtime Valley performer Walt Richardson’s Peaceful Warriors band, suffered a stroke on Feb. 11. An all-day benefit to help with medical costs is being planned by Richardson for Sunday, March 4, at The Loft in Tempe. For band lineups and updated info, check out THE LOFT.
Click on the above title to go to Vince's myspace account.
The photos to the left are from (1) the October, 2006 Tempe Town Lake Marina (Music at the Marina series); Vince was tossing the football around with some music fans after the show, (2) the April, 2005 McDowell Mountain Music Festival, and (3) the April, 2005 Mill Ave. Art Festival. All these shows were with Walt Richardson and the Peaceful Warriors.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Article on Big Pete Pearson

For those of you that don't get the Valley area Tribune newspaper, There's an article on Valley musician Big Pete Pearson in today's (2-22-07) GetOut magazine; click on the above title to read it. There's also a side article in the magazine titled "The Valley's blues scene a melting pot of blues styles," which doesn't appear to be available online. The side article mentions several other valley musicians (e.g., Hans Olson, Paris James, Mikel Lander, Sistah Blue, Scotty Spenner, Soulcatcher, Honeyboy Dupree & the Smokehouse Players, Jimmy Peyton's Midnight Blues, Cold Shott, J. Powers band, etc.), so if you live in the Valley area, pick up a copy (they are free) while they are still on the stands.
PS: This site has some Big Pete Pearson music, so turn your volume up to 11.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Dangerous Minds

Yes ... I've read this blog... and i know your out there... and I'm Pleased to have made contact again! Seriously, I've been setting up computers including one for me... what a project. Already having a gmail account [google] i Quickly and painlessly [except for remembering my user name and password]switched to the new'?' blogger account just now [yesterday failed] If your reading this it worked, if not... never mind.
Let me leave you with this one last thought [please] which bears repeating.... "Every network, organization, business, group, gang... blog even, has a consciousness separate from the individual in it" that explains a lot of things when your trying to find the smoke filled room where conspiracy like plans are hatched.... its almost akin to synchronisity... only spelled different!
From the
Bruce Frank
PS Ahh would that be a subconscious conspiracy... would that include us... can you play with it and not get a little on you.... Ummm stay tuned for more exciting and provocative revelations... God is alive.... magic is afoot [she says a foot and a half] KCAC lives!
Monday, February 19, 2007

Thanks to John Robertson for this one!!!!!
R&R..... Rest and Relaxation. Rock n' Roll is more like it. OK... you are a full grown yuppie. You know that a million bucks is worth 1/7th of what it used to be and you don't care any more. You have ten grand to blow for a vacation that you would otherwise waste in Vegas and you STILL dream about jammin' with Jack Bruce of Cream and Ted Nugent and Guns N' Roses and you don't give a shit that they are so old that they can't hear a bad string anymore.
You gotta be a fool. But why be alone?
Click the headline.
New Blogger

Apparently some of the team members on this blog have been running into trouble posting new messages, and were receiving a message back that we needed to switch to the "new Blogger" to keep things working. Finally, we've relented, so hopefully everything will now work again like before.
There are also some new features we can include - go to to check 'em out. Of particular interest to this group may be the "show the music albums you have available for trading" feature. Looks like you can list the albums (I'm betting they're really talking about CDs) you have and others can trade you one of theirs, by mail, for a one dollar service charge. Might be worth checking out.
If anyone still can't post, leave a comment below and we'll look into it. Thanks!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Update on tape restoration
I've been out sick most of the week, but will post a brief update on the tape restoration project that has been discussed here before. Jeff Crawford loaned me a tape deck that actually plays back at 1 7/8th IPS - a real rarity these days. Although the deck has some limitations and will not be adequate for archiving all of the tapes, it did give me a chance to listen to a few of them. There is plenty of public affairs programming but also some music, commercials, DJ talk, and a "community bulletin board" wherein Compton or Hank reads messages about people needing a ride to California, or giving away free kittens, or needing to buy a used car cheap, etc. And, most intriguing, there are some promotional spots for a TV show on KAET called "Stages" hosted by Bill Compton. So apparently he was doing a music show on local TV as early as 1970-1971! Anybody remember this? There are still a number of economic, technological, and practical challenges to dealt with before the tapes can be digitized and made available, but we're working on it.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

REMEMBER WHEN? Bill would sign off the day at KCAC with that simple quote from Robert A. Heinlein's "Stranger In A Strange Land". It was the "Amen" of the day - the benediction, Thou Art God. It was The Golden Rule, Proverbs, The Psalms and The Lord's Prayer all rolled up into one and you could smoke it if you wanted to.
Hashish for yoir ears. Ganja for your perusal, served up with a healthy overdose of The Incredible String Band and/or Moody Blues with their own westernized versions of Eastern Philosophy, snatched from the Wheel Of Karma, decorated by a Mandella of music at The Cosmic Buffet. Thou Art God. Thou really art.
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND So says Bob Marley about the deeds and desires of the Jamaican Rastafarians, who bear a remarkable resemblance to the Hindus of India and to the Native Americans. LISTEN TO THE MUSIC. Watch the dancing. Look at the cultures and religions. NO WONDER discoverers of the New World thought they were in India.
Dwight as we all did, acknowledged Karma and with his death and Bill's and Hank's and Toad's... nay, even in the process of living and with the birth of Radio Free Phoenix with its High Priest Andy Olson guarding the musical Ark - we have had spring up in our midsts, a New Thing that seems somehow almost a Mirror Image of the old KCAC..... in Hindu.

SALAAM NAMASTE' according to our world-traveled John Robertson, means; "HELLO - THE GOD IN ME GREETS THE GOD IN YOU". Another way to say it would be "THOU ART GOD - ME TOO".
Salaam Namaste' is one of the thousands of stations available on the Internet but is also broadcast in the DFW area of Texas at 94.9 FM and it is a STRONG radio signal. Like any community radio station it is necessarily a block-programmed station with a wide variety of talk and interview shows selectively placed in dayparts for best effect. The language is mostly Hindi and you will hear many levels of Pakistani linguistics all mixed in with pidgeon-english. There are some words and phrases that require English and of course the British were in India even before The Beatles.
The station then is a culture-merge without even trying. What is so beautiful is that these people do not want to be Strangers In A Strange Land. They LIKE
the opportunity of this country and want to be a part of its prosperity. In some ways they are MORE American than we sold-out Baby Boomer/Yuppies are! This MAY be the answer to the "economic crisis" of outsourcing!
THE MUSIC SAYS IT ALL Ready? Ravi Shankar/Ali Akbar Khan -- to Shakira. I heard one song the other night that began with classic tambourine and cymbal rhythms
that carried into a wailing-dervish female vocal that was almost a sample from Frank Zappa's "Shiek Yerbouti", right up to a disco break-down with a bunch of guys singing' "I don't know what you're saying to me, I only came to party"!!! Another time I heard a BEAUTIFUL classicly-structured love song in Hindi that suddenly and very smoothly shifted to English. Hey - take my money. I am in love. It's ALL there - from classical to Shakira street rap and it rocks!
So, I urge you to have a taste. Click the headline above and pipe it through the stereo at at least "5" on the volume. Rock the Casbah.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007
WHY WE MUST BOMB IRAN [[click here]]
▄▀▄▀▄▀▄ THE LIST ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
"We are not gathered here to find a purpose - The Purpose has found us and gathered us together here."
[[[Click here]]] to email your party invitation or other communications to everyone shown on "The List" at the same time!
Adams, Lynne
Alves, Jack
Apicella, John
Arizona Music and Entertainment Hall Of Fame
Arnold, Linda
Bailey, Jim
Baldwin, Mike
Baldwin, Russ
Beals,Ken (AMEHOF)
Bowen, Ray
Bell, Bob Boze
Bennett, Fran
Bentley, Connie
Bethancourt, Joe
Botkin, Jim
Boyle, Liz (AMEHOF/Radio Free Phoenix)
Bradychocks, Julie
Cahal, John (REBIRTH) (private - contact vagabondvet)
Carroll, Todd
Carter, Marsha
Carver, Sue
Clark, Doug
Collins, Michael
Compton, Bill (R.I.P.)
Compton-Glenn, Carole
Cookenboo, Hank (R.I.P.)
Covington, Dan
Crazy (Jan Isbell)(R.I.P.)
Curry. Robert S.
Curtis, Mike
Davis, Marc (TERROS)
DeGray, Helen
Deerhake, David
Dickinson, Ted
Dixon, John [Johnny D[\] (AMEHOF)
Drake George F. (Springfield, Mass?)
Dunn, Bob
Emery, Vince
English, Alton
English, Jerry "Magic"
Fenimore, David
Flannigan, Julie
Fleming, Mariah (AMEHOF)
Frank, Raman (REBIRTH)
Frank, Gregg (REBIRTH - Contact Bruce Frank)
Friedman, Barry
Frieflander, Karen
Galindo, Alicia
Gant, Pegi {Cookenboo}
Garneau, Larry (REBIRTH)
Garneau, Michelle (REBIRTH) (private - contact vagabondvet)
Gately, Bill (R.I.P.)
Gately, Bob
Geist, Barry (REBIRTH)
Goodman, Mike
Grieger, Kathy
Harris, Ron (Eric) 'Pappa'
Harris, Sue Fenner
Harshberger, Dan
Herbert, Kimmer
Holmes, Chuck
Hoyle, Rich
Johnson, Don
Johnson, June
Johnson, Mike (REBIRTH)
Jones, Scott
Kerr, Jon (KCAC/KDKB)
Kinsey, Gary "Toad Hall" (R.I.P.)
Kinsey, Filipa
Kitchell, Nancy
Kollassa, Mike
Koors, Tim
Kothrade, Michael (REBIRTH)
Lange, Patrick
Lederman, Cindy
Lehr, Bob
Magahern, Jimmy (KCAC LIVES!)
Manning, Marty (KCAC/KDKB)
Martin, Peter
McBroom, Dennis (KDKB)
McCarty, Chris
McCarty, Steve
Meighan, Bob
Mell, Ed
Migdoll, Susan
Moody, Kim (ALWUN HOUSE)
Morrison, Barbara
Murray, Jim
Nadworney, Nina "Nina Joy"
Niccolson, Scott (KCAC/KDKB)
Norton, Virginia
Nussbaum,Belle "Belle Starr"
Nykanan, Mark
Olson, Hans (AMEHOF)
Paceley, Ken
Page, Daniel "vagabondvet" (REBIRTH)
Peterson, Linda (REBIRTH)
Peterson, Marsha
Porter, Sharon Elaine
Powell, Lee
Price, Bill
Pyle, Slagge T. (KDKB)
Radina, Kathy
Robb, Gary (R.I.P.)
Robertson, John (KDKB)
Robinson, Duane (REBIRTH)
Rogers, Bob
Rogers, Rich
Roland. Ed
Schneider, Sue
Shaw, Russell "Wonderful Russ"
Schecter, Eric
Skaggs, Ken - (AMEHOF Vice President)
Slagle, Bonnie
Smith, Doug
Smith, Erica
Soderquist, George (R.I.P.)
Soderquist, Skio
Stratton, Ted
Sussman, Terri (AMEHOF President)
Sweet, Cheryl
Thomson, Betty
Thomson, Ray (KRUX/KDKB)
Thompson, Linda
Thrift, Bill (TERROS)
Tindle, Dwight (KDKB FOUNDER) (R.I.P.)
Usry, Kent
Vascocu, Tommy
Wakefield, Ken
Wales, Lissa (R.I.P.)
Whitener, Kasey
Wortham, Ron (KCAC/KDKB)
Wright, Tom
Zelisko, Dan
Please leave a comment to to have information added, updated, edited or deleted. Clicking hyperlinked (underlined) names will launch an email to that person. Have a great day!
If you are an anonymous [new] poster or reader with memories, tapes, pictures, wine, food, love and would like to be added to The List, please drop a line to to be added. You can email your contribution or inquiry the first time and we will send you an invitation to join the conversation with our merry band of regular posters. All you need is a memory, picture, tape or hug - to share.
The List has become a reference point for memories and emails to old friends. It also has become kind of a Social Register and will be something of a reference list for reunions and such in the future. Not only that, SOMEONE - maybe someone special from the old days, MAY be trying to find YOU.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I THOUGHT YOU GUYS MIGHT LIKE TO SEE A HEART PACEMAKER up close and personal. This is the best I can do. I realize this is waaaay off-topic and bordering on the macabre. It may be absolutely tasteless in your view and if so all I can do is suggest that you not look. Ooops - too late.
But wotthehell, this may make me a great lover some day and I believe Viagra is just a form of itching powder, anyway. How else can you explain an erection lasting more than four hours?
By the way ALWUN HOUSE ia having an erotic art display this Friday that will toast your socks. Anything from semen seeking ovum to Trojan-type balloon characters doing it.
Just like Real Life.
Still with me?
The Energizer Battery pictured above is for proportion and a bit of humor. The circular device with the rubber band dangling from it is a life-size mock-up of a pacemaker. The entire gadget is MOSTLY battery, mutch like the one that powers the clock in your computer. The whole thing is about as thick as all your credit cards stacked together plus your driver's license. About 1/4" for Tom Wright and other exactitude purists.
The idea is to keep the heart pumping at or above 60 Beats Per Minute during all activity. If you need more BPM'S your own heart will provide the impetus, usually. If it slows, the microcircuitry kicks in with a gentle jolt - from the wire in the heart, represented here by the dangling rubber band. There are other sensors too, having to do with breathing and so on, in a carefully orchestrated Slow Dance.
THEY ENCOURAGE SEX - "You may return to sexual activity immediately" it says in the instructions. Funny, I could never play the piano before...........
But suddenly it is not just you and The Squeeze anymore. ("Squeeze" being defined as; copulating with a fornicatious attitude while having intercourse) in the usual ORGANIC mode. Oh no. Welcome to AdventureLand where now you can do it with telephones, anthing magnetic [CAREFUL!] and presumably FAX'es and other devices with modems.
You are programmable via the phone - from the doctor's office. Dig it. Some pacemakers respond to a telephone. Just like some of us do to phone sex. Just put the phone over the lump in your shoulder and say "Do me, Shirley" and Shirley throws the switch in the doc's office which READS the data in the pacemaker, crunches the numbers and REPROGRAMS the pacemaker to something closer to your own lifestyle.
It's an INTERFACE ("INTERFACE" being defined as; copulating with a fornicatious attitude while having intercourse) in this case in the MACHINE mode. What does Shirley get out of it? Who knows.... she just washes her hands and goes on to the next guy.