This is most astounding to me. First time I heard it was in Phoenix, AZ when the album first came out. Floored me. Knocked me right on my butt. Beautiful. I have referred to it many times, copied it, had friends look up the lyrics (before there even WAS a Google), recited it as a prayer, sung it as a song and held it as a sacred word from a servant of God. When I was a writer for Rumor Mill News last year, I even posted it - and that is where I found it today, posted by a french mystic/writer Michael St. Clair. I never knew it was NOT written by Buffy-St. Marie. It was written by Leonard Cohen. Michael's post is left intact
Ron Wortham
Posted By: StClair
Date: Monday, 26 September 2005, 10:01 a.m.
Dear Friends:
Mercury the Messenger is now soonest -- as right now at this very moment 10.29 Libra - see PS below -- in the upcoming Red SkyWalker Eclipse Libra 11 degree, and RMN shaman colleague JASMINE reminded me kindly via a noetic "prompt" to post this amazing song lyric -- performed by Buffy St.Marie:
* * *
* * *
God is alive, magic is afoot
God is alive, magic is afoot
God is alive, magic is afoot
God is afoot, magic is alive
Alive is afoot, magic never died
God never sickened
Many poor men lied
Many sick men lied
Magic never weakened
Magic never hid
Magic always ruled
God is afoot, God never died
God was ruler
Though his funeral lengthened
Though his mourners thickened
Magic never fled
Though his shrouds were hoisted
The naked God did live
Though his words were twisted
The naked magic thrived
Though his death was published
Round and round the world
The heart did not believe
Many hurt men wondered
Many struck men bled
Magic never faltered
Magic always lead
Many stones were rolled
But God would not lie down
Many wild men lied
Many fat men listened
Though they offered stones
Magic still was fed
Though they locked their coffers
God was always served
Magic is afoot, God is alive
Alive is afoot
Alive is in command
Many weak men hungered
Many strong men thrived
Though they boast of solitude
God was at their side
Nor the dreamer in his cell
Nor the captain on the hill
Magic is alive
Though his death was pardoned
Round and round the world
The heart would not believe
Though laws were carved in marble
They could not shelter men
Though altars built in parliaments
They could not order men
Police arrested magic and magic went with them
Mmmmm.... for magic loves the hungry
But magic would not tarry
It moves from arm to arm
It would not stay with them
Magic is afoot
It cannot come to harm
It rests in an empty palm
It spawns in an empty mind
But magic is no instrument
Magic is the end
Many men drove magic
But magic stayed behind
Many strong men lied
They only passed through magic
And out the other side
Many weak men lied
They came to God in secret
And though they left Him nourished
They would not tell who healed
Though mountains danced before them
They said that God was dead
Though his shrouds were hoisted
The naked God did live
This I mean to whisper to my mind
This I mean to laugh within my mind
This I mean my mind to serve
Til' service is but magic
Moving through the world
And mind itself is magic
Coursing through the flesh
And flesh itself is magic
Dancing on a clock
And time itself
The magic length of God © 1966- Leonard Cohen.
Reprinted here with permission from the author.
* * *
We are heading into the most amazing LIBRA 11 RED SELF-EXISTING SKY WALKER Eclipse -- Wakefullness -- in less than seven days on October 3, when we ought to be able to walk through all the dimensional portals and back... and I would like to ask all RMNers to dream positive dreams -- and to use I-Magi-NATION for dreaming into being the great outcomes we desire -- and to manifest them by the time of say October 10th... 10102005 - nine ok. The admonition of Libra 11 over "Red SkyWalker" guided by Universal Water is to DIVINE and to integrate heaven and earth in your own self... and will say more later as OCTOBER 3 2005 = 11 ... approaches by the day...
What we channel and THINK now with Mercury right now as you read this is what will be relevant at 6:28 a.m. EST next Monday, in a week. That is 3:28 a.m PST or 12:28 p.m (noon) Europe. Make a note of this and reserve an hour for what you must get done inside of yourself at that time. Asleep or awake makes no difference, but set the inner mental "alert"-clock for that moment in time!!!
Michel StClaire
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Anon and on (Re: NPR or GWB?)
I just read a post from 'Anonymous' in reply to the "NPR or GWB" post. It said I was "whining" about Bush-and that I was assigning Bush "omnipotence" by implying Bush "can summon such devastation through a hurricane killing all of those poor people of color!!" In the very midst of composing my reply, suddenly that post was deleted and another appeared. Wow, talk about omnipotent powers!! Anyway, to quote a wise man, "I know you think you understand what it is I said, but I'm not sure you understand that what it is you think I said, is not what I meant!" (=:
In the deleted post 'Anonymous' asked me: "What are YOU doing to help the planet besides whining?'' Good question! Certainly not enough! But, for one thing...I am signing my posts (o: As Bill Compton, the guru of goodness would say, "Peace!"
In the deleted post 'Anonymous' asked me: "What are YOU doing to help the planet besides whining?'' Good question! Certainly not enough! But, for one thing...I am signing my posts (o: As Bill Compton, the guru of goodness would say, "Peace!"
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Lissa Brings the Stars Out-Thanks to Troy Lucketta and Dan Zelisko
For anyone who missed the Lissa Wales benefit Saturday night, it was truly a one of a kind event. Jimmy's article about it in the New Times summed up Lissa's spirited energy and loving reputation best. After all, how many people have a concert in their name with dozens of world renowned stars, plus videotaped get-well-we-love-you greetings from no less than Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney?!
Troy Lucketta and Dan Zelisko did a fabulous job putting it together. Lissa told me several weeks ago how thrilling and humbling it was for her to have her friends and colleagues in the music world and otherwise get such an event together on her behalf. As it turned out, Lissa's radiant face was not at her benefit concert but her wonderful spirit was absolutely there.
Lissa is in the hopsital at this time. Recovery from the transplant is a long road, and Lissa is, as always, valiant, determined and amazing. She constantly has astonished her doctors and nurses with her resiliancy. I know Lissa is grateful for all of you who supported this benefit. But more than anything, Lissa needs our positive, healing energy and prayers.
For those who could not attend and still wish to donate to assist with Lissa's ever growing mountain of bills, there is info on how to do so at Evening Star Productions, on Lissa's Caring site, and on the AMEHOF site (Lissa is on the AMEHOF Advisory Board, and the official AMEHOF event photographer.)
On behalf of all Lissa's friends at Radio Free Phoenix,
Troy Lucketta and Dan Zelisko did a fabulous job putting it together. Lissa told me several weeks ago how thrilling and humbling it was for her to have her friends and colleagues in the music world and otherwise get such an event together on her behalf. As it turned out, Lissa's radiant face was not at her benefit concert but her wonderful spirit was absolutely there.
Lissa is in the hopsital at this time. Recovery from the transplant is a long road, and Lissa is, as always, valiant, determined and amazing. She constantly has astonished her doctors and nurses with her resiliancy. I know Lissa is grateful for all of you who supported this benefit. But more than anything, Lissa needs our positive, healing energy and prayers.
For those who could not attend and still wish to donate to assist with Lissa's ever growing mountain of bills, there is info on how to do so at Evening Star Productions, on Lissa's Caring site, and on the AMEHOF site (Lissa is on the AMEHOF Advisory Board, and the official AMEHOF event photographer.)
On behalf of all Lissa's friends at Radio Free Phoenix,
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Now is Always...
Now, as always is present in our shared past..Tis a treat to check in, on-line in this time and find our ole souls communicating, connecting....Little Willy is smiling, the Toad is totally with us, Hank is in the spirit of this time...Marty, still on the air, caring, commited to our enlightenment...Cool...So many supersouls singing to us out of the near past..Now, Dr. John, Fats , Aaron n Randy sing songs of Naw Orleans, suspended reality, returning and respected as the home of music that moved our generation to boogie woogie oggie...on the Radio... I remember Bill, in tears telling me that he could not play Jimi on his station, KRUX, go to KRIZ, he say, I did an Doug Southerland n Pat McMahon put him on the air an we sold out the ASU Mens Gym, 1968..Remember, anyone, the magic of that evening ?...That night the Beans became the Tubes, the Spyders became Alice Whoever, Condello & Foreman, stayed the same...Such were the times, radio guys noticed and the next became the norm...Da Wolfman howled from XERF, Del Rio, "Who Loves ya Baby ?". Who, indeed...Da Wolf, Little Willey, Who ?
2005, Still jiving, keep livin the scene, dream an awake to reality, world in chaos, America(ns) asking hard questions, soft to no answers coming from the top, down..we wait for relief...
To sleep, too dream..Keep wondering....RWG
Saturday, September 10, 2005
NPR or GWB??
Mariah Fleming said...
Appreciated the thought provoking column by Greg Palast. But I'd like to put his anti NPR comment in perspective.
The Bush administration has pillaged both National Public Radio and the Corporation for Public Television.
While there are still many conscious, non corporate journalists working among those myopic Bush people, the reigns of public radio and television are now in the tight fisted grip of right wing cronies of the Bush administration. Sound familiar?
So of course these "freedom in media" hating shills send someone who will appear to be appropriately thrilled to see the POTUS making his appearance 1700 feet above the toxic bowl of gumbo that is now what's left of New Orleans.
Instead of dumping on NPR, maybe the point of Palast's article would be better served by informing his readers about what is happening to public radio and tv in the land of the free and the home of the betrayed.
We need to support public radio and television. The honest, informed people who are still in it are barely holding on to their jobs, hoping against hope to make a damn bit of difference in spite of it all.
Better to confront the idiocy rather than condemn it. Let's hope that's another column...
7:11 AM
Appreciated the thought provoking column by Greg Palast. But I'd like to put his anti NPR comment in perspective.
The Bush administration has pillaged both National Public Radio and the Corporation for Public Television.
While there are still many conscious, non corporate journalists working among those myopic Bush people, the reigns of public radio and television are now in the tight fisted grip of right wing cronies of the Bush administration. Sound familiar?
So of course these "freedom in media" hating shills send someone who will appear to be appropriately thrilled to see the POTUS making his appearance 1700 feet above the toxic bowl of gumbo that is now what's left of New Orleans.
Instead of dumping on NPR, maybe the point of Palast's article would be better served by informing his readers about what is happening to public radio and tv in the land of the free and the home of the betrayed.
We need to support public radio and television. The honest, informed people who are still in it are barely holding on to their jobs, hoping against hope to make a damn bit of difference in spite of it all.
Better to confront the idiocy rather than condemn it. Let's hope that's another column...
7:11 AM
Monday, September 05, 2005
Louisiana 1927

Lotta talk about this old Randy Newman song lately (our "Song of the Week" - click the player at left).
Aaron Neville performed it on NBC’s “Concert for Hurricane Relief,” on which Kanye West made his live statement, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people,” rendering the song’s refrain, “They’re trying to wash us away, they’re trying to wash us away,” suddenly real topical. I don’t know whether or not Neville changed the line, "what the river has done to this poor cracker's land” to “. . . poor farmer’s land,” as the singers did the following Sunday morning on NPR’s “Prairie Home Companion” show, but that part of the song is also drawing interesting parallels between Bush’s and Coolidge’s empty grandstanding on the relief issue.
For anyone who needs a quick history lesson, here's an excerpt from a column by journalist Greg Palast that puts the current headlines in quick perspective:
Friday, September 2, 2005
The National Public Radio news anchor was so excited I thought she'd piss on herself: the President of the United States had flown his plane down to 1700 feet to get a better look at the flood damage! And there was a photo of our Commander-in-Chief taken looking out the window. He looked very serious and concerned.
That was yesterday. Today he played golf. No kidding.
I'm sure the people of New Orleans would have liked to show their appreciation for the official Presidential photo-strafing, but their surface-to-air missiles were wet.
There is nothing new under the sun. In 1927, a Republican President had his photo taken as the Mississippi rolled over New Orleans. Calvin Coolidge, "a little fat man with a notebook in his hand," promised to rebuild the state. He didn't. Instead, he left to play golf with Ken Lay or the Ken Lay railroad baron equivalent of his day.
As I travel around the USA, I'm just horrified at America's stubborn historical amnesia. Americans, as Sam Cooke said, don't know squat about history. We don't learn the names of a nation's capitol until the 82d Airborne lands there. And it doesn't count if you've watched a Ken Burns documentary on PBS.
I suggest starting with this: read "Huey Long" by the late historian Harry T. Williams. If you want to ease into it, get the Randy Newman album inspired by it (Good Old Boys) with the song, "Louisiana 1927."
Thursday, September 01, 2005
It's on! Drummer Superstars concert for Lissa Wales
Organized by Troy Luccketta, drummer for Tesla and a relatively new Valley resident, and powered by Danny Zelisko, who Luccketta says had the Celebrity booked before he even got off the phone with him, an all-star drummer concert to benefit Lissa Wales is on for next Saturday, Septermber 10, at the Celebrity Theater. Tickets are $20 and $30.
This promises to be quite a jam, featuring everyone from Danny Seraphine (of the original Chicago), Denny Seiwell (original member of Paul McCartney’s Wings) and Carmine Appice (Vanilla Fudge, Rod Stewart) to Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and N’SYNC’s secret weapon, Billy Ashbaugh. Long-time Phoenix favorite Jerry Riopelle will do an acoustic set, and plenty of other notables will be on hand, too.
More info will be in the Sept. 8 New Times. In the meantime, go here:
This promises to be quite a jam, featuring everyone from Danny Seraphine (of the original Chicago), Denny Seiwell (original member of Paul McCartney’s Wings) and Carmine Appice (Vanilla Fudge, Rod Stewart) to Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and N’SYNC’s secret weapon, Billy Ashbaugh. Long-time Phoenix favorite Jerry Riopelle will do an acoustic set, and plenty of other notables will be on hand, too.
More info will be in the Sept. 8 New Times. In the meantime, go here:
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