11/11/2006 UPDATE: If you are a new reader, here is an outline of the situation.... Dwight Tindle is in the hospital and appears to be about to lose a kidney plus he has cancer in his back. It does not appear as if he will be leaving the hospital very soon and the pain is so agonizing that he is on a morphine drip. His mother "Ma" Nancy, is taking care of him and he is accepting calls and visitors, though such interludes should be brief so he can rest, obviously.
As of this week Jimmy [who created and founded this blog] got to make it over to the hospital to get Dwight and his mom set up on a PayPal account, so they can receive donations directly by computer. Your help with small amounts of cash is needed and PayPal is the way to go with it!~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is the dude who used to sign our checks. The one who picked up the tab at the resataurants after everybody excused themselves to the bathroom. The one who came and rescued KCAC from drifting into the rocks, the one who brought Toad, Hank, Bill Compton and a bunch of other talented people over to what turned out to be a radio giant - KDKB.
Don't ask what happened to the money, you got some. So did I. Now Dwight Tindle needs some help. NOT WITH BIG BUCKS - that just draws flies and lawyers. He needs help with hospital incidentals such as gasoline, parking fees, money for groceries, lunch for his mom and such. Spare Change. I can say all this with authority and no embarrasment because I have been there and done that. More than once.
One of the most beautiful Rock & Roll stories I ever read was when CREAM ----- Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker & Jack Bruce - diverted funds from "Disraeli Gears" to make sure a dying blues musician - Skip James, (who wrote "I'm So Glad" years ago) - thanks, Tom -, was taken care of. What we have the potential of doing is getting there with some love, good wishes and cash BEFORE something like that happens.
A few bucks from a lot of friends means far more than a bankroll and won't draw the attention of bottom-feeders and accountants. Bill Compton's death took everyone by surprise but we came together for Hank and the 1996 reunion and we came together for Toad and we came together for Hank's wake and we came together for Toad's celebration and we came together most recently for the Alwun party. We are still together and I challenge anyone to deny that situations such as this one is WHY we are together..
You have a chance to send a get-well wish or share a memory along with your Spare Change. Karma, serendipity Deja' Vu and just plain Motherly Love (Thanks, Frank Zappa) calls to us. The very fact that you are reading this is a spiritual message:
God is Alive
Magic is Afoot.
I have already sent Dwight five bucks via PayPal with "Lunch is on me" in the subject line. If you don't already have a PayPal Accouunt, you can start one up here....
or just click the headline to get started.
In whatever amount you feel like sharing OR simply click this button! (Thanks, Jimmy)
Please watch this column for further updates.