Saturday, February 06, 2010

from Ron's wife... February 6

As always, please forward to your respective lists & thanks for the help & the prayers. The good news -- off all sedation, off all antibiotics, off the diuretic & awake more today than any day. He had his 5th dialysis treatment today. The respitory therapist tried to take him off the ventilator today but he could not take enough breaths on his own. Thus, the tube remains down his throat; sometimes he coughs which is painful. He must stay awake & take more of his own breaths in order to come off the ventilator. As we talked to him today, he nodded often, held my hand, opened his eyes & even shook his head yes that he could feel Dustin & me squeezing his knees. That gave Dustin & me hope that possibly he was getting feeling back in his legs. As our good friend Jim Britt prays to heal Ron from the top of his head to the tip of his toes, lets agree, "With God all things are possible." Mark 10:27!!!
Love... Debby

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