Sunday, January 31, 2010

Update as of January 30 from Ron's wife

Dear family and friends, please forward our good news. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!! Ron had 3 hours of dialysis yesterday & 4 hours today. Yes, yesterday we had to face that dreaded "D" word; but today it was not our enemy but our friend. His kidneys are functioning and not dependent on the dialysis. Two litres of fluid were taken off his body today. One dr. said that Ron might come off the oxygen ventilator and have the tube removed from his throat on Mon. The CT scan of his stomach showed him to be clear of stomach problems. Much of the fluid has come off his lungs & his respitory infection is healing. Some of his medications have been removed; he no longer needs as much sedation. Isn't it great when our God does more than we could ask or think? Thank you sooo much for your love and prayers!!! God's blessings on each of you -- Debby

1 comment:

Fran Bennett said...

and ALL the people said, 'Amen', indeed :)