Saturday, February 16, 2008

"Arizona Memories From the 1970s"

Channel 8 is producing an hour-long special on Arizona in the 1970s. The format will be similar to their previous specials on Arizona in the 1930s, 1950s, etc. I have been in touch with the show's producer, John Booth, and he is very much aware of the importance of KCAC and KDKB and all of the associated personalities during that period. I've already delivered one batch of tapes and memorabilia to him, and we have another meeting scheduled for Monday. The show will probably not air until June, but there's a good chance that progressive radio in Phoenix - and the community that revolved around it - will play a featured role. Stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Well its about time, Tom...Them times, this time, our time...What do theywant to know about them times ? Go to an check it out..Tempe rocked then as its sinking, culturally now. Good to be back in the loop...

Bob Gately

Anonymous said...

That's terrific Tom. Will you call me about this? I want to talk to you about some stuff. I am aroundin the evenings more often than not.

Good to hear from you, Mr, Gately! Check out my myspace page if you are looking for some mindless computer entertainment

Anonymous said...

Howdy Tom, One and All...

I have been asked by our old friend and fellow light artist, Bob Ramsey to write a bio/essay on his light shows in the 1960's. They were the Glass Garden Lights, The Third Eye and they had a club called, The Experience. We would be delighted to hear aany tales or tapes from those times and happy to share them with the KCACLives blog when we finish the project.
After his light show days, Bob got serious and founded Southwest Ambulance and now owns PMT, our Valleys primere first responders. We would greatly appreciate any rememberances you might share with us.

Best regards to all,

Bob Gately,

Tom Wright said...

Bob - I asked a friend of mine who went to many shows in the 1960s if he knew Bob Ramsey. Unfortunately, he said the name sounds familiar but other than that he knows nothing. A reflection of the times, perhaps...
