Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Jess Nicks...One Man Behind the Memories

It's an amazing thing that for three decades, Bill Compton's contributions to music and musicians is a subject of much interest and inspiration. Some of the reasons for the continuation of Bill Compton's legacy are not so publicly known.
Of course, Bill Compton's contributions were officially recognized by the AZ Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame when he was inducted into AMEHOF in April 2005. The emotional response to the tribute came as no surprise.
We have other tributes to Compton: Radio Free Phoenix, which, thanks to the vision and dedication of its creators, is celebrating its first anniversary August 18th. The success of Radio Free Phoenix indicates the strong longing for the renewal of the kind of radio experience Bill Compton created. And Jimmy Magahern's KCAC LIVES BLOG is an ongoing tribute to Compton and to those who were part of KCAC and KDKB's genesis.
People who were not here during the groundbreaking time of KCAC and the original KDKB cannot truly realize the extent of what Arizona lost with the death of Bill Compton and his radio vision. And in the aftermath of Compton's death, one person who had the resources and the desire to help build a tribute to Compton's memory was Jess Nicks. He built the now defunct concert venue Compton Terrace. Sadly, on August 10th, just days after Stevie Nick's benefit appearance here for the AZ Heart Association, Jess Nicks died of a long illness.
Compton Terrace was situated on land adjacent to the old Legend City and was the premier rock concert venue for many years. Fleetwood Mac put on an unforgettable show at Compton Terrace. Compton Terrace was the only venue Fleetwood Mac would play when in the Valley.
Many remember driving to Compton Terrace, past Compton's name in great big letters...the lump in our throats when the venue first opened...and the excitement of so many people who wanted something tangible to represent their love and appreciation for Bill Compton's contributions. Compton Terrace gave us all a wonderful way to celebrate Bill Compton's spirit and love of music. Compton Terrace allowed us to experience still, at least for awhile, what we never imagined could so abruptly cease.
To Jess Nicks we give our heartfelt thanks.
Mariah Fleming
Az Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
RFP forums: radio-active!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Music Industry Pitches in for Lissa Wales-is Bill watching?
Anyone who loved KCAC, Bill Compton, and his legacy in Phoenix radio, knows that Bill had extraordinary compassion. He helped people and touched countless lives (witness this web site, and his April Induction into AMEHOF.) We recently passed the anniversary of his death as noted in the beautiful tribute written here by Ron Wortham. Bill's spirit lives on in many ways. As Emerson wrote: "The only worthwhile soul is the active soul." If you would like to honor Bill's memory in a special way, you can help transform the life of his very dear friend Lissa Wales.
To those of you who have asked about donating to a fund for Lissa, I'm happy to pass on the following information from Andy Doerschuk, Editor of DRUM! MAGAZINE and Morgan Rose, Drummer from Sevendust. They are busy marshalling forces to help Lissa's recovery.

Those who know Lissa have been touched by her humanity. But even those that never met her have been touched by her artistry. Take it from us – we've never known anybody who deserves help more than Lissa does right now. We have created the LISSA WALES FUND so that Lissa can concentrate all of her energy on recovery without worrying about paying bills. We invite you to contribute whatever you can at this pivotal moment. Whether you can spare $20 or $20,000, we ask that you respond as quickly as possible. HOW TO GIVE: Make checks payable to: LISSA WALES FUND and send them to DRUM! Magazine, 395 East Taylor St., Suite 215, San Jose, CA 95112 – Attn: Connie Hood. Or wire transfer funds to Wells Fargo Account #7140221818; account name is "Enter Music Publishing Inc. Lissa Wales Fund," ABA routing number 121-000-248.
Andy Doerschuk, Editor; DRUM! Magazine
Morgan Rose, Drummer; Sevendust
P.S. Lissa still needs your thoughts, prayers and positive thoughts. To those of you who have already left a message for Lissa at her "caringbridge(dot)org" site (enter "lissawales") thank you! Lissa reads them all and they help give her enormous courage and strength. After Lissa's second bone marrow transplant in June, she stunned her doctors by doing so well they cut her 10 week post transplant hospital stay. She now continues her year long recovery process. Thanks. Mariah
Sunday, August 07, 2005
By golly, I just KNEW there was sump'n wrong with uncle John.....
Ivor E. Tower, M.D.
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Volume 11, series 3, pages 4-5
This study conclusively demonstrates that unfounded fear of government is a recognizable mental illness, closely related to paranoid schizophrenia. Anti-Government Phobia (AGP) differs from most mental illnesses, however, in that it is highly infectious and has an acute onset. Symptoms include extreme suspiciousness, conspiracy-mongering, delusional thought patterns, staunch "us against them" mentality, withdrawal from reality, and often religious fanaticism.
Having the patient committed to a qualified mental health institution is the best option for family and loved ones. For this reason, all psychiatrists and family physicians should be provided with educational materials which will help them recognize the various symptoms and warning signs accompanying onset. Since comparatively little is known about Anti-Government Phobia at the present time, a government-funded health commission should be set up to oversee, and help focus, future research.
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you". - Carl Jung: