Here are a few neat links that might help:
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Where are they now?
Here are a few neat links that might help:
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Song of the Week
Monday, July 11, 2005
Bill Compton's Legacy
That he deeply touched countless lives is undeniable. It was his influence and inspiration that landed me behind the mic at KDKB in 1977 at the tail end of the glory days of freeform radio.
We were all dreamers and visionaries in those days. While the emphasis for many of us was on the dreaming, Bill was totally committed to and focused on creating his part of the good, the true and the beautiful. He felt that radio should truly represent its listeners, musically, politically, socially and spiritually, and, as evidenced by KCAC/KDKB, worked tirelessly to make that dream a reality.
In my eyes Bill stood out because he was willing to walk his talk and speak his truth, regardless of the consequences, qualities each of us must demonstrate if we're to create the world we'd like to see. He exemplified that which he spoke and espoused. I can't help but feel the legacy he left for all of us is a challenge, that each of us, in the words of Mahatma Ghandi, "must become the change we want to see in the world and to live that with passion and conviction".
John Robertson
Friday, July 08, 2005
Phoenix Radio
Phoenix Radio
A note on underground radio history in Phoenix: Does anyone remember KNIX? I don’t recall (that old hippie memory thing!!) how long it was on the air, but it predated KCAC. It was already shut down when the “gang from Texas” arrived on the Phoenix scene.
A couple of names from the air staff that come to mind are Christopher and Rickets. Stories have it that Rickets had a penchant for dismantling the studio broadcast equipment, particularly in the wee hours of the morning… the stories never did say why??!!! I got to know Christopher post-KNIX when he was my roommate for a short time. In addition to bringing to my house a certain fondness for things psychedelic, he also developed a certain fondness for my girlfriend of the day. Unfortunately, when Christopher moved out, so did my lover… with him! But… I’m getting off track here. Back to radio…
KNIX’s undoing began with its co-sponsorship of a concert featuring, among others, The Fraternity of Man, although, all things behind the scenes considered, I suspect it had begun unraveling some time before the show. Christopher was the MC. The band (…Fraternity…) asked him if they could do a song called F--- Her. Christopher’s state at that moment did not include the word “no” in its vocabulary. The song was sung, to the delight of the audience, but not so to the owner of the station at that time, a person known to lean rather heavily in the direction of conservatism. A line had been crossed, and the station owner held the winning cards. Sadly, that was the beginning of the end of KNIX, as we had come to know and love it. Shortly thereafter they went off the air, leaving a creative void that was eventually filled by KCAC and later, KDKB. To the best of my knowledge (not always something to be trusted), KNIX was Phoenix’s first underground station, and sort of prepared the ground for the good things that were to come.
John Robertson
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
KCAC July 4th podcast
Just in time (well, two days late) for the 4th of July holiday, here's a repeat podcast of Bill Compton's Fourth of July program from 1970. Peace!
Monday, July 04, 2005
A quick apology, mon ami'
Please excuse me. No disrespect intended. I too, shall fade away now, so that others may have a chance to add some goodies here.
Regards, Ron