Monday, September 18, 2006

Attention: Two birds with one stone, Sept 26 7PM

I've posted this reply below, in sequence with the original thread 'Hello I'm Coming To Phoenix' or perhaps "Daniels coming to Phoenix, Let him in"... what ever, find it below for details or context but... I'm jumpin this to the top to get everybodys attention and input.
This reguards Alwun's offer of there garden for us to meet there. Daniel and I are looking forward to meeting ya'll while he's here... and there is that business of the tapes and archives... and arrangements with Tom Wright about his tapes, and each other, about what can be done, and how...
Lets plan to do both at the Alwun House, Sept. 26, Tuesday evening after 7 or 8 PM... give or take a day. That gives us enough time to work it out, if its OK with Kim Moody and 'The Alwun House" folks so... The balls in there court now. Whoever is in touch with them, and on good terms, we need that done while we have time to find another place if need be.

Thanks Mariah... and Daniel...
And to our first emmisary to Alwun House to stand up... We thank you, in advance for standing up, presenting and varifying this with them... Please and Thank You!
[dont mention the band, the keg, the light show or the electric kool-aid, till we know how big the garden is.]
Hey hey, dont get excited, just talkin... but if that still gets you excited, bring your ideas & lets talk about it there! Maybe we could conjure up a rebirth of the ledgendary, "Feast of Friends" so bring it.
This stops nothing! reguarding other plans or event already being discussed or planned for Daniel's short visit here, so carry on... hope to see you all at the Alwun House, or somewhere else if needed, Sept. 26, Tuesday evening after 7 or 8 PM... [give or take] until then i remain, your virtual friend and suporter...
Bruce Frank


vagabondvet said...

Well, all righty then! I'll be out the door and down the road in about an hour, so don't email me after this - you can call my cell phone if you need to get in touch (Mariah, Bruce and probably a few others have the number). Lookin' forward to this with mucho gusto.

Peace and good fortune to all... see ya soon!

Marty said...

I'll be looking forward to it. The garden at Alwun House is a lovely little spot right in the heart of town, and is kind of the cosmic center of the historic districts at 12th Street & Roosevelt.

Mariah Fleming said...

Great Marty! Will you see if you can alert the other KCAC/KDKB era folks and get them on the bus? It would be so fun!