Thursday, August 24, 2006

TERROS - and the psychic screams of war.

The TERROS REPORTS for those of you under the age of 40 - was a daily or someties HOURLY report on KCAC of bad or dangerous drugs on the streets of Phoenix. The Terros House [Terros meaning Earth], was a refuge for people on bad trips or who simply were encountering emotional problems.

This was PRACTICAL media - radio for the Common Man. It was a HUGE help with REAL information.

HEAR THAT? YOUR psychic mind MAY be picking up the screams and cries and horror of your brothers and sisters being maimed or killed in the Middle East. We experienced it during the Vietnam era and it continuously had us on edge. Same for your own generation.

Our focus is personal in this life but subtle or not, you can't shut out the pain of others. It's relative of course but absolutely undeniable.

It's hell, being young.


Mariah Fleming said...

Hey Ron,
As always, your post is thoughtful and full of info. I wonder how many people remember the original Terros in the big two story house near 7th Street downtown? I put Bill Thrift and Mark Davis's name on "The List" hoping they or someone who knows them would get in touch with the blog. I know they were involved, I think Bill and Mark were both founders.

By the way, Liz's post about RFP says it all. I hope everyone will step up and send in their votes for RFP!!!

Mariah Fleming said...

Hey Bob,
That's a good question!! It's sure not the same as it started out to be, like most of those great non profit things that started back in the day, they got taken over by others, moprhed into something else that required lots of computers and paperwonks, and the founders are long forgotten (o:

Good old KRIZ and the first Terros ambulance...I remember it all well. And you were such a great force in all that was good and happening in those days, Bob. I'm glad you remember so much! I want to pick your brain more...we'll talk (o:

Loved your story about Hans and Percy Sledge. Percy Sledge was one of my all time favorites.
What a song, huh?!

Bruce Frank said...

Your the other voices too!... Bob and Mariah, and I'm glad your there
I just gota awnser that ... before your repeat yourself again....your not just a voice in the darkness... but a voice at the bottom of the blogg... LOL Just found you and i didn't want you to have to re peat yourselve again, again
well i just gota awnser that ... your not just a voice in the darkness... but a voice at the bottom of the blogg... LOL Just found you and i didn't want you to have to re peat yourselve again, again
well i just gota awnser that ... your not just......
Dose history alway re peat itself cause a lot of good community organization get get sucessfull and change.
I'm glad you'all still got the spirit and haven't let sucess spoil you. Your both a good example of what its all about and i love ya for it.
bye... bye
PS 'it's an ill wind that blows no minds'