Saturday, August 12, 2006

Just one click away....

and to think we were never more than 5 clicks away. Dan got your email and invite... and i clicked it... wow! now im here. So glad to be with you again and the KCAC family and to hear about and from so many of the other free thinkers of that very special time.
I can never loose that feeling that something special was happining and majic was posible and happining, we were enpowered as if we knew something others manybe hadent considered or couldnt understand, and it was such a privilege and joy to be a small part of it or even just to help it along.... whatever it was... where ever it was going....

"Like a song... it keeps on rolling...
along... rolling and growing so strong...
and its you that its calling along!"

Love Ya'll [all Ya'll for you Texans]

1 comment:

vagabondvet said...

Shouldn't that be "all y'all for all y'all Texans?" Don't want to confuse anyone, ya know...


I believe you're right on the money: it was and is special.