KCAC lives!
Hey, what's this "the blog is dead" crap???? Do you folks really give up that easily? We've got something good going here, and I'm just getting started on my historical project. I need all of you to stay in touch and participate if we're going to make this work. OK, postings are down (and, if I may say so, wandering increasingly astray from the subject at hand; yeah, I know, I'm guilty of it too). But I see this as a pause, not an ending. I'm in this for the long run. (NOT a reference to an Eagles song, by the way. A reference to my profession in archaeology, where I routinely deal with time in hundred-year increments.) Are ya with me or not??? Mariah: haven't heard from you for awhile; what do you think? Maybe another gathering sometime between now and the New Year to keep folks talking, thinking, and looking forward? Ken Beals: you know what I'd like to do; can I count on your help? Andy Olson: you're our master tape archivist and technical wizard as well as carrying on the good fight with Radio Free Phoenix. You're part of this too. Marty Manning... this is about your life, and your good friends' lives, and what you were able to accomplish together. We've got a cool little online community here, with the potential to set AND ACHIEVE some modest goals. All we've gotta do is take advantage of this possibly once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. (None of us, to my knowledge, are getting any younger.) I hate to sound like a football coach here, but...c'mon, folks! Falling apart, drifting back into isolation and apathy, is easy. Staying focused and working together is tough work, but why else are we here??? OK, I've vented my spleen. Now it's your turn. GO!
Hi, Tom,
I think things have just been a little slow lately, and I'm pretty sure no one's lost their enthusiasm for "The Project." As for me, I just haven't had anything relevant to post lately, but I'm still here and check in daily, even if I haven't had anything worthwhile to contribute. Hope you're having a good evening...
Profuse apologies, Tom...
I got "cookied toi death" and it was blocking text. Daniel spotted it - he was real-time on the blog while I could only see polka-dots.
Hey, as long as I am breathing I will be typing and doing anything I can to keep the Faith ans Spirit alive! Sorry for any false alarm.
I go in for surgery Monday and I will be offline for up to a few days.
YOU GUYS ARE A MAJOR PART OF MY LIFE. GOT MUCH TO TELL LATER about motorcycles and serendipity... Briefly, we have come by a SECOND bike - Exactly the same make and model --- 1984 Yamaha 1200cc ... It's now a father-son endeavor. Somehow, we're going to ride to Phoenix in 2007!
OK, sorry for any over-reaction on my part. It's just that I received an off-blog message about the blog being dead, and although it may have been intended any number of ways, I took it literally. I thought someone had, or was about to, pull the plug. That would be a shame.
But... let's try to stay on-message here. For example: just after the Alwun House meeting I put together a draft questionnaire that I thought might help guide some of my research. It had a series of standardized questions about the individuals, goals, and events of KCAC/KDKB and related questions about the business, political, and cultural atmosphere in Phoenix at that time. Maybe, if it will help jump-start the blog, I could polish it up a little and put it online so people can respond to it at their leisure. Not as good as face-to-face meetings (which is why I had put it aside after the Alwun House), but maybe it would be a good way of gauging what types of responses I can get and help me narrow down (or expand) the scope of this study. What do y'all think?
Please forgive any typos; I still haven't figured out how to use Spell Check on these posts.
Hi, Tom,
First, here's a link to a spell-checker that "will check spelling in just about any Windows application (e.g. text you're preparing to post on a website)." I sent that to you in an email, but maybe you didn't get it.
As for the questionnaire, I think that's a great idea! Perhaps an email sent to the group using the "Email Everyone" link Ron added to "The List" post, above, might serve better for collecting the replies, though - this site doesn't have a convenient 'forms' function that people can use to respond. People could post comments to reply to the questions, though, so, though it might not be as easy as replyiong to an email, it's workable, and the responses would be visible to all. This raises a question of privacy, though - I can't really think of anything in particular that people wouldn't want to post, but it's possible some would prefer to keep their replies a little more confidential. You could provide for that eventuality by asking people to reply to you by email if they prefer, of course, so I think either way would work. However you want to do it, email or blog, I think it's a neat idea.
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